Thursday, May 24, 2007

Correo de Noticias 24/5/07

As Law Is Renegotiated, Immigrant Families Are on Edge

Amir Nikpouri was struck by love at a family gathering on the first trip he had made in many years to his home country, Iran.

Study Finds Hurricanes Frequent in Some Cooler Periods

Over the last 5,000 years, the eastern Caribbean has experienced several periods, lasting centuries, in which strong hurricanes occurred frequently even though ocean temperatures were cooler than those measured today, according to a new study.,,2086643,00.html

'We were all close to going crazy'

Traditional music was one of the casualties of the Bosnian war. But it saved Amira, who emerged from the rubble to become 'Bosnia's Billie Holiday', writes Garth Cartwright

Thursday May 24, 2007

The Guardian

'I was on the other side of the street when the mortars hit there," says Amira Medunjanin, pointing at a busy fruit and vegetable market in downtown Sarajevo. "The detonation knocked me into the fish shop. There was no glass in any of the shop windows by 1994, so I wasn't hurt. But the carnage was so awful: blood, pieces of bodies, packing people into car boots to rush them to hospital. Sixty-seven killed. I don't go to this market any more. The memories are too awful.",,2086640,00.html

You don't have to be mad to be a great actor ... but it helps

As Antony Sher gets ready to play a tortured genius, he looks back on the disordered lives of our top thespians

Thursday May 24, 2007

The Guardian

As an actor I find it odd to play another actor, but that's what I'm doing at the moment - playing Edmund Kean in Jean-Paul Sartre's play Kean - and the experience is made even odder by the fact that he's legendary. If I were to quickly jot down the pedigree line of great British actors (in the traditional sense of stage rather than screen acting), it would go: Richard Burbage, David Garrick, Kean, Henry Irving, John Gielgud/Laurence Olivier. It's harder with actresses, but the list probably starts with Sarah Siddons, then may need to include two non-Brits, Eleonora Duse and Sarah Bernhardt, then continues with Ellen Terry, Sybil Thorndike/Edith Evans, and Peggy Ashcroft. Let's stop there - let's not include anyone living. But think of all the ones left out. Just among the men, there's John Kemble, William Macready, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Donald Wolfit, Ralph Richardson, Michael Redgrave, Alec Guinness. Is that fair? Is history fair? What fearsome demands are imposed by that little word "great"?,,2086621,00.html

The Zen Buddhist text on Paris Hilton's reading list

Oliver Burkeman

Thursday May 24, 2007

The Guardian

All is emptiness, according to practitioners of Zen Buddhism, and you don't need to read many news stories about the hotel heiress and inexplicable celebrity Paris Hilton before conceding that they've probably got a point. Now, though, as Hilton prepares for a 45-day jail sentence, she has been photographed holding (along with a Bible) a copy of the bestselling book The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, which is a New Age-ified reworking of Zen. This raises the possibility that she will, behind bars, achieve a state of perfect wisdom and enlightenment. Well, stranger things have happened, although admittedly none could be identified at time of going to press.,,2086626,00.html

Hard wind

The row over wind power rages more fiercely than ever. In Norfolk, the death of one would-be wind farmer is being linked to a battle over a big new development. Throughout the country, opponents complain of unbearable noise and uninhabitable houses. But are things really that bad? Stephen Moss investigates

Thursday May 24, 2007

The Guardian

En su informe anual critica el uso de las fuerzas armadas en el combate al crimen

Es decepcionante la actuación del gobierno en derechos humanos: AI

Falta voluntad a la administración calderonista

Fox también incumplió y dejó importantes pendientes


Margo Glantz

Recordando a Borges

1 ''Se ha dicho que todos los hombres nacen aristótelicos o platónicos, dice Zur Linden, el personaje de Deutsches Réquiem. Ello equivale a declarar que no hay debate de carácter abstracto que no sea un momento de la polémica de Aristóteles y Platón; a través de los siglos y latitudes cambian (...) las caras, pero no los eternos antagonistas. Hitler creyó luchar por un país, pero luchó por todos, aun por aquellos que agredió y detestó, no importa que su yo lo ignorara; lo sabían su sangre, su voluntad. El mundo se moría de judaísmo y de esa enfermedad de judaísmo, que es la fe de Jesús. Esa espada nos mata y somos comparables al hechicero que teje un laberinto y que se ve forzado a errar en él hasta el final de sus días o a David que juzga a un desconocido y lo condena a muerte y oye después la revelación: Tú eres aquel hombre".

Venezuela Accuses U.S. DEA of Being a “Drug Cartel”

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

By: Chris Carlson -

Mérida, May 8, 2007 (— The Venezuelan government responded yesterday to United States Drug Czar John Walters' criticisms that Venezuela is not cooperating with the United States in the fight against drugs by saying that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is a "drug cartel." The Venezuelan government rejected Walters' statements, saying that the U.S. has the intention of damaging Venezuela's reputation and intervening in its affairs.,,2085003,00.html

Victory is sweet for vegetarians

Leo Benedictus

Tuesday May 22, 2007

The Guardian

Mars has added humble pie to its range of snacks. After announcing at the beginning of the month that it would start putting animal rennet into its chocolate, the company received a small mountain of "feedback" from more than 6,000 angry vegetarians, and so yesterday it announced that it would be taking the rennet out again.

Pulp Fiction The Facts Original Documentary Part 1,,2083858,00.html

Your honour, it's about those Facebook photos of you at 20 ...

The man behind Big Brother argues that all the flirting and fighting online shows teenagers are media savvy, but not media wise

Peter Bazalgette

Sunday May 20, 2007

The Observer


Los minutos negros, de Martín Solares

por Hugo Hiriart


Battle of Berlin (The Lost Evidence) (Part 1 of 5)

The Wind That Shakes the Barley

PARTE 1 - Memoria Del Saqueo - Fernando

Buffy-the gift(subtitulos en español) (1)

Vea el fantástico documental "BALSEROS". Cortesía de Alexis Molina-Director de la página web "Somos Cubanos".

La extrema derecha hará lo posible por apoderarse de la UNAM, advierte

La defensa del Estado laico y la educación pública, estrategia relevante: Flores Olea

Llamada de atención a universitarios para preservar autonomía, laicismo y secularización


Ecuador's political volcano

By Daniel Schweimler

BBC News, Ecuador

Ecuador is facing a political crisis. The president's plans for social and political reform have been met by violent protests from those opposing them. But now with the country on its eighth president in 10 years, failure could see the situation deteriorate further.

Before Democracy: Memories of Mexican Elections

by Kate Doyle


Research Assistance: Isaac Campos Costero

Additional Research: Tamara Feinstein and Emilene Martínez Morales

Posted - July 7, 2003

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Nicaragua: La red de los narcos mexicanos

juan josé dalton

San Salvador (apro).- El 13 de abril de 2007 no fue un día de suerte para un grupo de cinco mexicanos que se habían establecido en Nicaragua. Viajaban en un vehículo de lujo por la carretera Panamericana. En el kilómetro 23, a la altura de Tipitapa, al norte de Managua, un policía de tránsito les pidió detenerse.

Immanuel Wallerstein

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Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein (born 28 September 1930, New York City) is a U.S. sociologist by credentials, but a historical social scientist, or world-systems analyst by trade.

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