Friday, August 31, 2007

Correo de Noticias al 31/08/07

Per sostenere il maggior numero di proprietari di casa
Crisi dei mutui, pronto il piano di Bush
Si tratterà di un prospetto di riforma del programma di assicurazione della Federal Housing Administration

Il verdetto delle urne di Montecarlo che fissa i gironi della prima fase
Champions: bene il sorteggio per le italiane
Milan con il Benfica, Inter con il Psv Eindhoven, la Roma ritrova il Manchester United, la Lazio gioca con il Real Madrid

2007 'probably wettest UK summer'

Torrential rain across the UK is likely to mean the summer of 2007 becomes the wettest since rainfall records began in 1914, Met Office figures suggest.

Bomb scare at Mexico skyscraper

More than 10,000 people have been evacuated from a skyscraper in Mexico after police found a handmade explosive device in a car parked in the building.
US targets Colombia traffickers
The US Treasury has frozen the assets of four Colombian paramilitary members, accusing them of drug trafficking.
Drugs scourge takes hold in Argentina
By Daniel Schweimler
BBC News, Buenos Aires
Whichever figures you read, they're alarming.
The United Nations says the increase in the use of cocaine paste, or paco, in Argentina has risen by 200% in the past couple of years. Other agencies put the figure as high as 500%.
US economy receives growth boost
The US economy grew at an annual rate of 4% in the second quarter, a better performance than first thought.
Scandal-hit senator urged to quit
A US Republican senator who pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct after his arrest in a men's toilet has come under increasing pressure to resign.,,2159625,00.html
Barclays admits borrowing hundreds of millions at Bank's emergency rate
· 'Technical breakdown' in clearing system blamed
· Pound falls as news swirls around money markets
Ashley Seager, Larry Elliott and Julia Kollewe
Friday August 31, 2007
The Guardian,,2159631,00.html
UK bosses: are they worth the money?
· Evidence scant that big salaries stop brain drain
· British managers 'are not in the premier league'
Mark Milner and Ashley Seager
Friday August 31, 2007
The Guardian
Global food crisis looms as climate change and population growth strip fertile land
. 'Ignorance, need and greed' depleting soil
. Experts warn competition will lead to conflict,,2159579,00.html
Why sci-fi still has a future
Ridley Scott thinks sci-fi films have entered a black hole. Maybe he's not watching the right ones, says Paul Howlett
Friday August 31, 2007
The Guardian,,2159582,00.html
What next for the sexual revolution?
Critics say that third-wave feminism has failed the generation of women who have grown up in its wake, but that's simply not true, argues Deborah Siegel
Friday August 31, 2007
The Guardian

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