Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Posted by Tomás Mojarro on Septiembre 3rd, 2007

nueve meses,
mucho ruido,
pocas nueces.

Del México de hace un cuarto de siglo al México actual, mis valedores. La distancia que va de uno a otro se puede medir con la distancia que existe entre un José López Portillo y un Felipe Calderón, vale decir: de una abyecta adulación y un aberrante culto a la personalidad al franco repudio, la burleta, la iracundia y el desdén. Percibí esa distancia la tarde de ayer, mientras revisaba mis papeles viejos, y créanme: todo lo que puede cambiar la imagen presidencial en apenas un cuarto de siglo me produjo una mezcla de azoro y temor. Lo que va de López Portillo a uno chaparrito, peloncito, de etc. Aquí el reportaje periodístico fechado en julio de 1981, cuando “Quetzalcóatl“, para los serviles del periodismo, retornaba de un viaje a Washington:

“¡Y Tláloc también quiso recibir a Quetzalcóatl! Se negó a permanecer al margen de la fiesta de bienvenida Desde una hora antes mandó a sus húmedas huestes-enormes nubes, de un fuerte color grisáceo y azulado…

No era para menos. Tláloc quiso decir al Señor Presidente López Portillo que esta vez si quiere participar en el desarrollo del país. Y por eso, desde un poco más de media hora antes del arribo del Presidente, ordenó a sus húmedas huestes que regaran el Valle de México. Pequeñas y débiles gotas empezaron a caer sobre invitados, reporteros, agentes de seguridad, soldados… y el pueblo ¡que había ido a recibir a su Presidente..!

Conforme el tiempo pasaba, él, ese Tláloc tan anhelado, decidió incrementar su lluvia Pero el pueblo también respondió a Tláloc. ¡No cesó de lanzar vivas y porras al Presidente López Portillo! Ni los mariachis callaron. Tampoco lo hizo la marimba que el SNTE había llevado. Los ferrocarrileros y petroleros hacían sonar con más fuerza sus clásicas maracas…

Mientras tanto, los reporteros que cubrirían la llegada del Presidente, corrían de un lado a otro, para realizar las tradicionales entrevistas. No abaraten la mano de obra, decían algunos que no querían más entrevistas. Otros, los rezagados, pedían, suplicaban a sus compañeros: pásame la nota…

Entretanto, la lluvia arreciaba Los ferrocarrileros, previsores, llevaban una enorme caja de donde salieron los impermeables para todo el gremio. No así los reporteros. Venció la lluvia al Derecho a la información. Muchos optaron por dejar en paz las entrevistas. Empapados, se dispersaron en busca de un sitio donde estar a cubierto. Los más avezados se aprovecharon de los pobres ferrocarrileros. Los dejaron sin impermeables… los ¡arrebataron! El tiempo de espera por el Presidente López Portillo se hizo nada…

Cuando las 17:22 horas dieron, las 5 mil personas reunidas en el hangar presidencial lanzaron un grito de admiración. ¡Aparecían entre las húmedas huestes del dios Tláloc el Quetzalcóatl! Siete minutos tardó en aparecer por la pista de carreteo… Por fin, a las 17:32 -27 minutos más tarde de lo previsto, y a quién el importaba-, el Presidente López Portillo hizo su aparición. Con la mano en alto saludó a su pueblo que lo esperaba Y lanzó una mirada al cielo, allá donde el dios Tláloc también le daba la bienvenida…

En respuesta al clarín de órdenes, se rindieron los honores al Jefe de Estado mexicano, con la salva de 21 cañonazos. Inmediatamente después el Presidente López Portillo bajó las escalerillas del avión, seguido por el jefe de estado mayor, Rosa Luz Alegría, Miguel de la Madrid y otros funcionarios. Ya cuando el Presidente López Portillo había llegado hasta los limites de la alfombra roja que había sido colocada al pie de la escalinata, un elemento de fusileros paracaidistas lo invitó a pasar revista a las fuerzas armadas. Con paso firme, el Presidente José López Portillo fue allá, después saludó a los miembros de su gabinete. Las bromas entre los reporteros no se hicieron esperar. Como Tláloc no cesaba muchos funcionarios decidieron taparse con los impermeables. Todos se taparon, decían entre risas los reporteros…

Sólo uno parecía estar feliz con la lluvia El almirante Ricardo Cházaro Lara, secretario de Marina, permanecía sonriente. En cambio, algunos otros ni se veían, pues sólo los ojos tenían al descubierto. Unos 20 minutos después el Presidente José López Portillo abandonó el hangar presidencial a bordo de su Ford Galaxi blanco, que lo llevó a la residencia oficial de Los Pinos…

¡Y Tláloc lo acompañó.!

Púdico o ignorante, el reportero omite que a donde se dirigió López Portillo no fue a la residencia oficial de Los Pinos, sino que en el mismo Galaxi blanco enfiló raudo a Acapulco A la vista de todos. A toda velocidad. A su lado nada menos que la Rosa que era Luz y era Alegría para el “Quetzalcóatl” de pacotilla ¿Y el presidente actual? ¿Y Calderón? (Patético.)

March 11, 2008


ALBANY — Gov. Eliot Spitzer continued to weigh whether to resign early Tuesday, a day after law enforcement officials said he was a client of a high-end prostitution ring broken up last week by federal authorities.

Mr. Spitzer received counsel from his advisers late Monday at his Fifth Avenue apartment, and had not emerged as of early Tuesday morning. A top administration official said Tuesday morning that no announcement had been scheduled.

The disclosure of Mr. Spitzer’s involvement with the prostitution operation threatened to end his career and turned the state’s political world upside down.

His involvement came to light in court papers filed last week, the officials said, as federal prosecutors charged four people with operating the service, Emperor’s Club V.I.P. Mr. Spitzer was caught on a federal wiretap discussing payments and arranging to meet a prostitute in a Washington hotel room last month. The affidavit, which did not identify Mr. Spitzer by name, indicated that he had used the prostitution service before, although it was not clear how often.

Mr. Spitzer, 48, who is married with three daughters, appeared briefly with his wife at his Manhattan office on Monday to apologize, but did not specifically address any involvement with the ring. He said he needed to repair his relationship with his family and decide what was best for the state, but he declined to take questions, leaving after barely a minute.

“I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my, or any, sense of right and wrong,” the governor said. “I apologize first and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public to whom I promised better.”

“I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.”

The governor, a Democrat in his first term, then returned to his apartment on Fifth Avenue, where news vans and police cars clogged traffic. Mr. Spitzer did not emerge overnight and did not appear early Tuesday for his regular morning jog.

The New York Times began investigating Mr. Spitzer’s possible involvement with a prostitution ring on Friday, the day after the prosecutors arrested the four people on charges of helping run the Emperor’s Club. After inquiries from The Times over the weekend and on Monday, the governor canceled his public schedule. An hour after The Times published a report on its Web site saying Mr. Spitzer had been linked to the ring, the governor made his statement.

The news was met with disbelief and shock in Albany, a capital accustomed to scandal. Some legislative assistants said they were too stunned to speak, and lawmakers gathered around television sets in hushed offices, trying to make sense of what had happened.

“We’re at a total standstill,” said Keith L. T. Wright, a Democratic assemblyman from Harlem. “Everybody is stunned. Everybody is absolutely stunned.”

Mr. Spitzer has not been charged with a crime. But one law enforcement official who has been briefed on the case said that Mr. Spitzer’s lawyers would probably meet soon with federal prosecutors to discuss any possible legal exposure. The official said the discussions were likely to focus not on prostitution, but on how it was paid for: Whether the payments from Mr. Spitzer to the service were made in a way to conceal their purpose and source. That could amount to a crime called structuring, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

Yusill Scribner, a spokeswoman for the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan, declined to comment.

If Mr. Spitzer were to resign, Lt. Gov. David A. Paterson would serve out the remainder of his term. Mr. Paterson, who is legally blind, would become the first black governor of New York. State Senator Joseph L. Bruno, the state’s top Republican, would assume the duties of the lieutenant governor.

By 10:30 on Monday morning, it was clear in Albany that something was wrong. Mr. Spitzer’s office abruptly canceled a speech to a family planning conference, about a half-hour before he was scheduled to ascend the podium. The governor also canceled a private meeting with Cardinal Edward M. Egan, at first sending word that Mr. Paterson would stand in for him, and then abandoning the session altogether.

The governor learned that he had been implicated in the prostitution inquiry when a federal official contacted his office on Friday, according to the person briefed on the case. On Saturday night, he attended the Gridiron Club annual dinner, a political roast put on by Washington journalists, and appeared ebullient, according to people in attendance.

The governor informed his top aides on Sunday night and Monday morning of his involvement.

Mr. Spitzer’s family and his top assistants debated Monday morning at Mr. Spitzer’s apartment about whether he should step down, a person who spoke to the governor said. Silda Wall Spitzer, who was among them, told her husband that he should not resign in haste; as did Lloyd Constantine, a senior adviser and a longtime friend of the governor. But most of his others saw no way for him to survive.

Dietrich L. Snell, a lawyer who has represented Mr. Spitzer in the past, did not return telephone and e-mail messages Monday.

According to prosecutors, the Emperor’s Club provided women to clients in London, Paris, Miami and other cities, and charged them between $1,000 and $5,500 an hour.

The affidavit details a Feb. 13 encounter between a prostitute named Kristen and a man described as “Client 9,” whom law enforcement officials identified as Mr. Spitzer. Mr. Spitzer traveled to Washington that evening, according to a person told of his travel arrangements, and stayed at the Mayflower Hotel.

He testified before Congress about the bond insurance crisis the following morning. Among the open questions is where Mr. Spitzer’s security detail was while the prostitute was inside the hotel.

The affidavit says that he met with the woman in Room 871 but does not identify the hotel. Room 871 at the Mayflower that evening was registered under the name George Fox.

One of the law enforcement officials said that several people running the prostitution ring knew Mr. Spitzer by the name of George Fox, though a few of the prostitutes came to realize he was the governor of New York.

Mr. Fox is a friend and a donor to Mr. Spitzer. Asked in a telephone interview on Monday whether he accompanied Mr. Spitzer to Washington on Feb. 13 and 14, Mr. Fox responded: “Why would you think that? I did not.”

Told that Room 871 at the Mayflower Hotel had been registered in Mr. Fox’s name with Mr. Spitzer’s Fifth Avenue address, Mr. Fox said, “That is the first I have heard of it. Until I speak to the governor further, I have no comment.”

In a wiretapped conversation after the encounter, the prostitute, Kristen, called her booker to inform her that the session had gone well, and that she did not find the client “difficult,” as other prostitutes apparently had, according to the affidavit.

The booker responds that he, in an apparent reference to Client 9, sometimes asks the women “to do things that, like, you might not think were safe.”

Mr. Spitzer called Sheldon Silver, the Assembly speaker, on Monday afternoon after his statement, but his aides did not share details of the conversation. Mr. Paterson was said to be keeping a low profile, awaiting the governor’s decision.

About 6 p.m., Richard Baum, the governor’s top aide, met with Mr. Spitzer’s staff but made no mention of a resignation and urged his colleagues to keep their heads down and continue as best they could with the day-to-day work of state government.

Albany for months has been roiled by bitter fighting and accusations of dirty tricks. The Albany County district attorney is set to issue the results of his investigation into Mr. Spitzer’s first scandal, his aides’ involvement in an effort to tarnish Mr. Bruno.

Mr. Spitzer was elected in a landslide in 2006, capitalizing on his popularity he won as the “Sheriff of Wall Street” during eight years as attorney general. With a reputation for personal probity and independence, he pledged to bring higher ethical standards to the statehouse.

After promising change in Albany from “Day 1,” Mr. Spitzer was quickly plunged into political turmoil, and much of his legislative agenda was sidelined. He gained a reputation for being intemperate and alienated even some members of his own party.

In recent weeks, however, Mr. Spitzer seemed to have rebounded, with his party poised to perhaps gain control of the state Senate for the first time in four decades.

The revelation about Emperor’s Club and the attendant disruption in Albany comes at a particularly bad time: The state faces a $4.4 billion deficit and is weeks away from its deadline to complete a new budget.

“Every year you say you’ve seen it all, but you haven’t,” said Matthew Mataraso, a lobbyist who started his career at the Capitol in 1962 as a lawyer for a Republican assemblyman. “It’s a shame. It’s awful. This is why people lose faith in government. But I guess it shows that he’s human like everybody else.”

Anthony Casale, a lobbyist and a former assemblyman who came to the Capitol on Monday for the scheduled Assembly session, was in disbelief. “Literally, if ever a situation finds anybody in politics speechless, it’s something like this,” he said.

Republicans were quick to pounce, with the state party and a top lawmaker calling for him to resign.

“The governor who was going to bring ethics back to New York State, if he was involved in something like this,” said James N. Tedisco, the Republican minority leader of the Assembly, “he’s got to leave. I don’t think there’s any question about that.”

Mr. Bruno said, “I think it’s very, very unfortunate and I feel very badly for the governor’s wife, for his children.” He added, “The important thing for the people of New York State is that people in office do the right thing,” he added.

Mr. Spitzer’s fellow Democrats were muted in their response.

Mr. Silver, the Assembly speaker, issued a terse two-sentence statement: “The allegations against the Governor are before the public. I have nothing to add at this time.”

When he was attorney general, Mr. Spitzer’s signature issue was pursuing Wall Street misdeeds. But he also oversaw the prosecution of at least two prostitution rings by the state’s organized crime task force, which reports to the attorney general.

In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

“This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multitiered management structure,” Mr. Spitzer said at the time. “It was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring.”

Danny Hakim reported from Albany and William K. Rashbaum from New York City. Reporting for this and other articles about Gov. Eliot Spitzer was contributed by Jennifer Anderson, Cara Buckley, Sewell Chan, Sushil Cheema, David W. Chen, Alison Leigh Cowan, Jane Gottlieb, Jason Grant, Kate Hammer, Patrick Healy, Raymond Hernandez, C. J. Hughes, Andrew Jacobs, Daryl Khan, David Kocieniewski, Serge F. Kovaleski, Angela Macropoulos, Colin Moynihan, Don Van Natta Jr., Patrick McGeehan, Jeremy W. Peters, Sam Roberts and Stacey Stowe.

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