Saturday, March 15, 2008

SRX1060940541ID - Space Name: marcosalas‏
From: Microsoft Customer Support (
Sent: Sat 3/08/08 9:41 AM

Hello masf212,

We have found images involving partial nudity on your Space, marcosalas.

Kindly remove this image and any other images, messages or links on your Space that violate the Windows Live Spaces Code of conduct within 120 hours.

Violations include, but are not limited to, nudity, partial nudity, pornography, harassment, and illegal or offensive behavior. For a complete description of content that is not allowed on Windows Live Spaces, please visit our Code of Conduct at:

If you remove all violating content, your space will again be in accordance with the Windows Live Spaces Code of Conduct, and will remain accessible for your use. Otherwise, we will be forced to close down your space.

You may delete photos from your Space by following these instructions:
1. Log into your Space
2. Click on the "Edit Your Space" link (upper right portion of the page)
3. Click "Options"
4. Click on the "Storage" link in the Options pane
5. Select the images to be removed
6. Click on "Delete selected items"

Thank you for helping Windows Live Spaces provide a friendly and safe experience for all of our customers.


Windows Live Spaces Customer Support

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