Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Crisis in Bolivia after vote for autonomy

· Santa Cruz distances itself from capital and Morales
· Poll echoes hostility to indigenous communities

* Rory Carroll in Santa Cruz
* The Guardian,
* Tuesday May 6 2008
* Article history

About this article
This article appeared in the Guardian on Tuesday May 06 2008 on p15 of the International section. It was last updated at 09:55 on May 06 2008.

Bolivia was locked in political crisis yesterday after Santa Cruz province declared autonomy and renounced the leftwing policies of President Evo Morales.

Another three provinces are expected to follow suit over the coming weeks in an open but so far peaceful rebellion which could cripple the federal government, a leading member of South America's so-called pink tide.

Santa Cruz, the richest province in the continent's poorest country, voted overwhelmingly to distance itself from the capital, La Paz, in a referendum yesterday. The indigenous majority based in the western highlands still supports the government.

Complete results were not expected for several more days, but early official tallies from Santa Cruz, an opposition stronghold, said more than 84% had voted for autonomy, underlining the polarisation. Turnout was put at 64%.

"Today we begin in Santa Cruz a new republic, a new state," the prefect, Rubén Costas, told a victory rally. "Today in Santa Cruz democracy has triumphed. With your vote, we have begun the most transcendental reform in national memory."

Pro-autonomy supporters draped in the province's green-and-white flag celebrated under palm trees into the night. The province stopped short of secession, but demanded the right to raise taxes, run a police force, protect land rights and control some revenues from its gas fields.

The vote also expressed hostility to the government's championing of indigenous communities which scrabble for survival in the highlands, a very different Bolivia to Santa Cruz and the relatively prosperous eastern lowlands.

Morales, the country's first indigenous president, used to be a llama herder, coca farmer and trade union leader.

"My family is voting for autonomy because the Indians want to dominate us," said Olga Tordolla, a woman in a largely indigenous quarter of Santa Cruz city known as Plan Tres Mil. "They are racist, they hate white people."

The federal government rejected the referendum as an "illegal survey" and an attempt by greedy, paler-skinned Bolivians to continue the social and economic exclusion of indigenous people which dates back to the Spanish conquest.

In a televised address Morales, who had urged a boycott, said abstentions and reported incidents of fraud rendered the result illegitimate. "The referendum failed completely," he said.

The president thanked indigenous communities for sporadic protests yesterday, some of which turned violent, reportedly leaving one dead and 25 injured.

"I want to express my respect for the people of Santa Cruz for their resistance against this separatist referendum. The people are wise to defend legality, constitutionality and the struggle for equality between Bolivians."

With another three eastern states - Beni, Pando and Tarija - due to hold autonomy votes next month the scene would seem to be set for serious convulsions which could split the country.

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