Saturday, July 19, 2008

Underage sex flourishes in Russia

Features Underage sex flourishes in Russia July 19, 2008, 11:09

Statistics in Russia show more and more teenagers start having sex at an early age. While some believe it's a personal choice there are those who are convinced quick action is needed to curb the dangerous trend. One out of ten Russian children has had sex under the age of fifteen.

They're young, they're glamorous and they're sexy - in fact the Velvet project is exactly the kind of image today's teenagers are so eager to buy into.

But there are fuelling concerns in Russia that children these days are being tempted to grow up far too quickly and irresponsibly.

However, one of the Velvet group members, eighteen year-old Rumiya, says it’s strongly individual.

“Some are ready for sex at the age of fifteen, some are still hesitant about it at the age of 25. But I personally think, if you want something, you really should try it at least once,” says Rumiya Niyazova.

Such an attitude is only increasing concerns of the older generation who believe society is being corrupted.

Latest statistics shows the age of first sexual experience in Russia has dropped over the past ten years.

Forty-two per cent of girls and 68 per cent of boys have sex with someone they don't know well.

Nineteen per cent of sexually active 14-year-olds get pregnant, which leads to abortion in 95 cases out of 100.

“Minors who have intercourse are usually sexually ignorant. They don't know how dangerous it is for them in the sense of getting a venereal disease which, if not discovered and cured at an early stage, leads to sterility,” says Margarita Rakhmatulina, STD specialist.

The age of consent differs in countries throughout the world: from twelve in Chile to 21 in Madagascar. Russia raised the age from 14 to 16 in 2003 and may increase it further.

But doctors say a proper social campaign is needed to educate youngsters, rather than another law.

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