Friday, August 01, 2008

August 1, 2008
Denis Matsuev, pianist

1975 - Born in Irkutsk, Siberia
1990 - Moves to Moscow
1991 - Laureate, International Charity Foundation, New Names programme
1993 - Enters Moscow Conservatory
1994 - Laureate, International Piano Competition, Johannesburg, South Africa
1995 - Soloist, Moscow State Philharmonic
1998 - Winner, International Tchaikovsky Competition, Moscow
1998 - Laureate, International Piano Competition, Paris
2004 - Records Tribute to Horowitz

He has been dubbed “the new Horowitz”. He is one of the most sought-after pianists of his generation. But what place does classic music have in the modern world? Our guest is the gifted performer Denis Matsuev.

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