Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A sexier inauguration than usual

It seems everything is for sale in Washington D.C. during the inauguration, and depending on your tastes, he or she can come in different shapes and sizes.

Escort services and sex workers will be taking advantage of the two million tourists and professionals coming to the city, hoping to cash in on the rich and lonely. However, with bars staying open until 5am all weekend, the drunk should not be ruled out as customers.

Craigslist ads under “erotic services” and “casual encounters” number in the hundreds, and their promises are anything but discreet. Many contain nude pictures and descriptions of specific skills to entice those with a fetish or particular desire. Gay, straight, or bisexual, there are a variety of choices when searching for someone to “celebrate history” with. One woman offers her 44 DD breasts as the perfect way to honour the 44th president of the United States, as long as you’re willing to pay $250 for 100 minutes of her “love”.

For those hoping to maintain a shred of dignity, there are ways to avoid the hourly rates. There are some out there with tickets to inaugural balls and parties, but without a date. At the other end of the spectrum lie those without tickets but who are desperate for a way in. They spell out their wonderful qualities in ads. On the other hand, those with golden tickets have lists of demands. Aside from the late night activities, these usually include the ability to schmooze with high society’s finest.

If your problem is not loneliness, but rather homelessness (at least for the weekend), there are ways to solve your lodging dilemma as well. Some men are offering a free place to stay in exchange for “sexy fun” with their female guests. With every hotel in the city booked up, and apartments being rented for thousands of dollars a night, this proves an affordable alternative for those who are willing.

So how is all this possible in a country where prostitution is illegal, and the currency is stamped with a reference to God? It could be that the numerous sex scandals involving politicians have caused the population to turn a blind eye. Or perhaps the economic recession has hit some people hard enough to lure them into the sex industry.

Could it be that the economic recession and the era of Barack Obama is changing America? It seems the world’s oldest profession is leaving the dark alleys behind and inching towards a broader acceptance.

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