Tuesday, March 03, 2009

'US Watching NK Missile Move Closely'

The United States is watching North Korea even more closely these days because of reports the North plans to test-fire a long-range missile. The Associated Press reported Sunday, quoting a top U.S. military official.

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed hope on CNN's "State of the Union." that North Korea would not be ``provocative."

Noting that the North has launched missiles before, he said neither he nor Defense Secretary Robert Gates has made a recommendation about what to do if there is a launch.

Mullen was quoted as saying any recommendations and policy decisions will come based on the timing and what the North does.

North Korea said last week that it was preparing to shoot a communication satellite into orbit as part of it space development program. The U.S. and other countries believe the launch may be a cover for a missile test-fire.

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