Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping urged the country's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to better pursue a scientific approach of development on Tuesday.

The scientific development of the SOEs, the pillar of the national economy, concerns the country's economic quality and development level, people's well being and national strategic safety, said Xi at a symposium.

The symposium was held amid a campaign launched last month to promote the "scientific outlook on development" at 37,000 SOEs.

In the process of learning and practicing the "scientific outlook", enterprise authorities and employees should scout for problems in such areas as company management, innovation, work safety and protection of employees' rights, said Xi.

Priority should be given to efforts to ensure economic growth, people's welfare and social stability, he said.

Xi also underscored that company leaders must be morally upright and self-disciplined, calling for firm opposition to extravagant spending.

Source: Xinhua


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