Thursday, May 28, 2009

Russia will support a UN resolution on N. Korea

28 May, 2009, 19:16

Andrey Nesterenko from the Russian Foreign Ministry says that the country will not object to a new UN Security Council resolution on the situation surrounding North Korea.

The spokesman has, however, noted that Moscow does not want to see North Korea isolated:

“We think that de facto international isolation of North Korea would be counterproductive. The possibility of dialog with Pyongyang must remain,” he said on Thursday.

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“We have no reasons to object to the new resolution of the UN Security Council on North Korea. It would be premature to discuss modalities of the UN Security Council decisions concerning possible sanctions against North Korea and their scale,” he added.

Nevertheless, according to Nesterenko, Russia sees the continuation of the now suspended Six-Party negotiations to be the only way to resolve the North Korean issue.

“In the opinion of Moscow, the Six-Party negotiations remain the sole way to resolve the nuclear problem of the Korean Peninsula,” Nesterenko said.

Japan has already submitted its version of the Security Council resolution, a RIA Novosti source in the UN told the news agency.

According to him, the resolution project has been compiled on the basis of the elements which were discussed on Thursday with the Japanese and South Korean delegations.

The resolution will be discussed once again on Thursday afternoon when the Security Council meets with the delegations again.

The resolution follows the Security Council strongly objecting to the nuclear tests which North Korea conducted on May 25.

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