Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Second swine flu case confirmed in Russia


MOSCOW, May 25 (RIA Novosti) - A second person, recently arrived in Russia from the Dominican Republic, has been diagnosed with swine flu, the country's chief doctor said on Monday.

Gennady Onishchenko said the man from the Kaluga Region had contracted the virus while on holiday in the Dominican Republic's resort of Punta Cana on May 7-18.

"He and his wife are under medical observation and at the current time are in an infectious disease unit in a Kaluga hospital," Onishchenko said, adding that tests on the man's wife and four other members of the household had come back negative.

The man is reported to be in a "stable condition" Oninshchenko said, and added that the case proved that the measures introduced by the government were working,

Russia's Health Ministry said the first case of human swine flu had been diagnosed in Moscow in a man recently returned from a trip to the U.S.

According to the World Health Organization's latest update, a total of 12,022 people in 43 countries worldwide have been officially diagnosed with the A/H1N1 swine flue virus, with 86 deaths.

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