Thursday, June 11, 2009

The dual downturn of China’s CPI and PPI in May has aroused a lot of speculation on the prospect of the world’s third largest economy for 2009.

Will China get out of the bottom this year? What influence will possible scenarios in China have on the whole picture of the world economy which is struggling in the global financial crisis?

More figures of economic indicators will be announced these days. And we will hear different voices following that.

Forecast for 2009

China's economy is expected to hit bottom and recover within this year However, the eight percent growth rate target is still an arduous task to achieve.

With the economic conditions of major trading partners such as the US showing signs of stability, the external uncertainties facing China's economy are decreasing

Soros said in Shanghai that China's influence is set to grow faster than before, as its banking system is kept healthy and kicking, and a prompt and strong government intervention to rev up a slowing economy late last year.

Source: ChinaDaily

Chinese economy has bottomed out and is stabilizing against the global economic downturn, but it would go through a U-turn recovery as a quick recovery could hardly be sustained

"The viewpoint is groundless," the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said in an interview posted on its website yesterday. "It made a mistake to oversimplify the correlation between economic growth and energy use."

Data & Analysis of May

Foreign trade

Urban fixed-asset investment


A reading of above 50 suggests expansion, while one below 50 indicates contraction.



Auto market

Capital market

Its vigorous performance proved from another aspect that China's economy is bottoming out and has gradually regained its confidence.

Port throughput

Real estate market

By People's Daily Online

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