Saturday, June 06, 2009

China orders all-out efforts to save life in fatal landslide

More than 500 rescue workers were shifting landslide rubble Saturday morning in a bid to rescue 79 people buried in the rubble and 27 miners trapped in southwest China's Chongqing.

Helicopters were brought in to find the missing, but heavy machinery is not able to reach the site because of unsafe terrain.

An estimated 79 residents and passers-by as well as 27 miners were buried beneath the landslide, which destroyed 12 houses and buried the mine, Liu Jianchun, a government spokesman with the rescue work said. Full Story>>

China orders all-out efforts to save life in fatal landslide

Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have ordered the local authorities to spare no efforts to save those people buried in a fatal landslide in the southwest city of Chongqing.

Caution must be taken to avoid life losses during the rescue work, the two leaders said.

Chinese vice-premier Zhang Dejiang arrived at the landslide site in Wulong county at 5 a.m. Saturday to oversee the rescue efforts.

Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang shakes hands with rescue workers at the site where a landslide occurred in Wulong County, southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, June 6, 2009. Zhang Dejiang arrived at the landslide site on Saturday to oversee the rescue efforts.(Xinhua/Liu Chan)

At least 80 people are feared buried in the landslide at an iron ore mining area.

Rescuers had pulled out seven injured people, including four seriously hurt, from the debris as of 8:30 p.m. Friday, according to the publicity department of Wulong County.

The injured were taken to hospital. Full Story>>

80 confirmed missing, 8 injured in SW China landslide

Authorities confirmed Saturday afternoon 80 people were missing and eight others were injured in the landslide in southwest China's Chongqing.

Among the missing were 21 local residents, 47 workers of the iron ore mine where the landslide occurred, two telecom company workers and four passers-by, said Ai Yang, a government spokesman, at a press conference.Full Story>>

Rescuers going all out to search for life in landslide

Firemen search for survivors at the site where a landslide occured earlier in the Jiwei Mountain area, in Tiekuang Township, southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, June 6, 2009. Rescuers said the 79 residents and passers-by buried in debris almost have no chance to survive, but they hope to rescue the 27 miners trapped under the mine.The accident happened at about 3 p.m. Friday at an iron ore mining area of Jiwei Mountain in Tiekuang Township.

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