Thursday, July 23, 2009

Latest GDP figure is right on the money
China's economic recovery,are we there yet?

China's economy grew by 7.1 percent over the first half of the year and rebounded robustly by 7.9 percent in the second quarter thanks to the country's effective stimulus package so far.

However, should China continue that model of state investment driven growth to sustain the growth in the second half of the year to achieve its eight percent growth target?


NPC: Prioritize consumption and employment in second half of 2009
The 11th meeting of the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) held on July 16 explicitly pointed out that China needs to further solve development problems by means of reform.

Policies in H2 2009 should focus on real economy and consumption
In the second half of this year and next year, the general guiding concept for economic regulation should be watching out for accumulative unhealthy and uncertain factors and highlighting the consumption-led structural adjustment while maintaining the recovery trend, said Xia Bin, chief of the Financial Research Institute at the Development Research Center of the State Council, to People's Daily recently.


China stresses industry restructuring in economic growth
China's government will support the development of the new energy, energy-efficiency and environment-friendly industries to improve the quality of economic growth in the second half.

Ministry of Finance to support five new energy sectors
Local governments should quicken their pace along with the central government.

Second half 2009 a good time to reform China's resource tax
The tax increases should be combined with a transformation of the economic growth model, as well as resource saving.

Monetary policy

Premier Wen urges adhering to proactive fiscal policy and relatively easy monetary policy
Wen said maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth remains the foremost task at present, noting the good development momentum of the economy does not mean the difficult period has been over.

Chinese banks to improve financial support for fighting economic downturn
China's central bank official has called on the country's financial institutions to closely monitor new trends in the economy and improve financial support for fighting the economic downturn.

China should strengthen supervision to control credit flocking into stock market
Enterprise credit capital flocking into stock markets will make it difficult for banks to track and supervise this capital, increasing its risks, and take away credit capital needed by enterprises with development potential in the real economy sector.

Banking regulator should regulate credit cards
Improved regulation of the credit card market requires China's banking regulator to press commercial lenders to carefully assess creditworthiness before issuing cards while encouraging innovations to improve consumers' advantages.

Foreign trade and investment

China welcomes foreign enterprises to invest in China
China welcomes foreign enterprises to invest in China, and adheres to its mutually beneficial opening up strategy, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said at a routine press conference

China simplifies rules on forex use to boost outbound investment
From August 1, 2009, Domestic companies would be allowed to register the source of their foreign exchange financing after their investment overseas instead of obtaining approval beforehand.


China to regulate real estate markets
Monitoring and analysis of real estate markets should be strengthened to promote the construction of welfare housing projects. Furthermore, any behavior that violates market order will be punished.

CPC issues new party regulation to promote SOE leaders' honesty
Company leaders are not allowed to violate company principles and procedures to make major policies on production management, appointment and removal for key positions or management of huge money. They should not adjust the salaries, bonuses and other benefits of company leaders without the approval of personnel departments.

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