Thursday, August 20, 2009

China's forex reserve hits 2.1316 trln USD, up 17.84%

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) released the preliminary data of the country's international payment on its website on August 20, showing that China still keeps surplus of both the current account and the capital account in the first half of 2009.

In the first six months of the year, China's current account surplus reached 130 billion USD, down 32 percent year on year. The surplus in goods stood at 118.3 billion USD while the deficit in service reported 18.6 billion USD.

The surpluses in income and in current transfers were 16 billion and 14.3 billion USD respectively.

The capital and financial account had a surplus of 33.1 billion USD in the first half of the year, a year on year slump of 54 percent. The net FDI inflow reached 20.6 billion USD. The inflow of portfolio investments valued 16.9 billion USD. Other outflow of other investments reached 5.6 billion USD.

The country's forex reserves had increased by 185.6 billion USD to 2.1 trillion USD by the end of June from the end of 2008.

SAFE will officially announce the balance sheet of the international payment in September or October.

By People's Daily Online

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