Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Developing Chechen economy on Putin visit’s agenda

24 August, 2009, 21:37

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited the Russian republic of Chechnya on a brief working trip on Monday, the government press service reports.

The prime minister discussed the social and economic situation in the republic with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.

Employment and the implementation of several investments projects were also on the agenda.

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During his trip Putin also visited the grave of Chechnya's first president, Akhmad Kadyrov, the press office said.

Akhmad Kadyrov, the father of the current leader, was killed in a terrorist attack in May 2004. On August 23, he would have been 58 years old.

Meanwhile, the situation in the Caucasus region remains unstable with attacks on police and explosions taking place almost on a daily basis.

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