Friday, October 30, 2009

Ecuador signs million-dollar helicopter agreement with Russia

29 October, 2009, 17:31

The first official visit of Ecuadorian President Raphael Correa on Thursday to Moscow ended with the signing of a contract on selling Russian transport helicopters worth $22 million to Ecuador.

The leaders of two countries also signed seven other documents, including those on cooperation in the energy sphere and nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and a Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the two countries.

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The chief points covered in the meeting concerned politics, security, cooperation in the protection of the environment, economy, financial and trade partnership, and the humanitarian sphere.

The sides also approved a protocol on hydropower projects between Russian and Ecuadorian companies.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the two countries are now on the way to preparing a document on visa-free travel. He also declared Ecuador to be an important trade partner for Russia, adding that last year the scale of trading between two countries reached $1 billion.

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