Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hu expounds China's views on sustainable development

14:58, November 15, 2009

Chinese President Hu Jintao and other leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies met for the second and final day on Sunday for their annual meeting, focusing on "sustaining growth."

The theme for this year's APEC meeting is "Sustaining Growth, Connecting the Region," reflecting APEC's continuing efforts to facilitate trade and investment in the region.

Chinese President Hu Jintao (C) shakes hands with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong while attending a ceremony for issuing a declaration after the second phase of the 17th Economic Leaders Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Singapore, Nov. 15, 2009. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

During their two-day meeting, the APEC leaders focused on countering international financial crisis, climate change, opposing trade protectionism, supporting multilateral trading regime, furthering regional economic integration and the APEC's future.

The Chinese president, speaking at second-day session on Sunday, expounded China's view on promoting sustainable development.

In his remarks, Hu said China needs an international development environment featuring peace, stability, harmony and cooperation.

"China is ready to contribute its share to the building of suchan environment. China will work with the rest of the international community to meet the challenges together and seek inclusive, sustainable and balanced economic growth," Hu told leaders of other APEC member economies.


At present, the profound impact of the international financial crisis still persists and the foundation is not yet solid for the world economic upturn, Hu said.

Trade and investment protectionism of various forms has noticeably risen. the intrinsic problems in the world economic system are yet to be solved and the effort to fully restore world economic growth is beset with uncertainties and destabilizing factors, he added.

In addition, the Doha Round negotiations have been fraught with difficulties and twists and turns, and global issues such as climate change, food security, energy and resource security, public health security and major natural disasters have become more pronounced. "These are all daunting challenges to the full recovery and long-term growth of the world economy, including in the Asia-Pacific region," he said.

At this critical juncture, "we should all the more get united, follow the principle of openness, cooperation and mutual benefit, strengthen coordination and work together to secure the momentum of world economic recovery and promote balanced and orderly economic growth," said the Chinese president.

Hu also made the following four-point proposal on sustainable development:

-- Make unremitting efforts to fully restore world economic growth;

-- Take a long-term perspective and promote sustainable growth;

-- Follow a holistic approach and advocate inclusive growth;

-- And engage in comprehensive coordination and pursue balanced growth.


"Global challenges require global responses. Recently, leaders from many countries have gathered together more frequently to discuss ways to address global issues," said the Chinese president. "This shows that the international community has come to recognize that along with deepening economic globalization, working together for win-win outcomes is the only option we have."

Hu added that economies in the Asia-Pacific region, which are diverse and highly complementary to one other, have gained valuable experience in working together to meet the challenges.

President Hu also expounded China's views concerning the economic and social development:

-- Support sound development of the multilateral trading regime with stronger confidence;

China is committed to the establishment of a fair, equitable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading regime and has participated in the Doha Round negotiations with a constructive stance, said Hu.

-- Meet the climate challenge through full cooperation;

The Chinese president said the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol represent the main channel for the international efforts to meet this challenge.

He said developed countries should continue to take the lead in emissions reduction after 2012 in keeping with the principles set out in the UNFCCC and the requirements made in the "Bali Roadmap."

"They should at the same time provide financial support and technology transfer to developing countries to help them enhance capacity in tackling climate change," he noted.

Developing countries, on their part, should also endeavor to meet the climate challenge by implementing sustainable development strategies, he added. "The Copenhagen Conference is an important meeting for the international community to work together against climate change."

"China will participate in the negotiations with a positive and constructive attitude and would like to work with all other parties for positive outcomes at the conference," Hu told leaders of other APEC member economies.

-- Promote regional economic integration with a multi-pronged approach;

"We should promote regional economic integration at different levels, in various scopes and through multiple channels," said the Chinese president.

"We should enhance connectivity in infrastructure and other areas among member economies," he added.

-- And counter non-traditional security threats through coordination and cooperation.

"We should establish a new energy security concept featuring mutually beneficial cooperation, diverse development and common energy security through coordination to stabilize energy prices, improve energy mix, facilitate transfer of energy technologies and reduce energy poverty," said the Chinese president.

"We should step up coordination in the prevention and control of influenza A (H1N1), continue to deepen cooperation in disaster prevention and reduction," he added.

"China is committed to the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up, and will always pursue development that is peaceful, open and cooperative and making unremitting efforts toward a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity," said Hu who also briefed leaders of other APEC member economies the current situation of China's economy.

Addressing the meeting, other APEC leaders pledged to continue to adopt economic stimulus policies to revive world economy, jointly promote balanced, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, support multilateral trading regime, and advance regional economic integration.

The APEC leaders issued "Singapore Declaration" before the conclusion of the two-day APEC Economic Leaders Meeting.

Japan will host the next APEC Economic Leaders Meeting.

The two-day Economic Leaders Meeting is the culmination of this year's annual APEC meetings, which also include the ministerial meeting, senior officials' meeting and a business summit.

Since APEC's inception in 1989, APEC's total trade has grown 395 percent, significantly outpacing the rest of the world. During the same period, the GDP (in purchasing power parity terms) in the APEC region has tripled, while the GDP in the rest of the world has only less than doubled.

APEC's 21 member economies are Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, China's Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam.

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