Saturday, November 28, 2009

Programs: Keiser Report, 19 November, 2009

The Keiser Report - Episode 1

Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines.

This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at headlines that suggest America “is an over-indebted, profligate, spoiled nation in decline,” where the homebuilders behind the housing Ponzi scheme are to receive billions in tax relief under new legislation and where its President gets lectured by the Chinese over its cheap dollar policy. Keiser also talks to Danny Schechter, the News Dissector, about the US financial collapse as a crime scene.

Programs: Keiser Report, 26 November, 2009

The Keiser Report - Episode 2

This week, Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at the headlines behind the populist outrage building up in America. The cosy relationship of fraud between Wall Street and Washington sees Goldman Sachs under fire, while Congressmen call for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to be fired. Keiser also talks to Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake about the Paul-Grayson amendment to audit the Fed. And, as Obama contemplates sending more troops, Max speaks to Der Spiegel journalist Ullrich Fichtner about Afghanistan, Iraq and AIG.

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