Monday, November 23, 2009

US to monitor Russia-EU gas agreements

21 November, 2009, 07:17

The US government has entered into the fray by setting up a commission to monitor the agreements on gas supplies between Russia and the EU countries.

Russia and Ukraine have reached an agreement on gas deals, which may mean that last year’s gas crisis in Europe will not be repeated. But the US claims the European Union should be prepared for another gas crisis this winter.

Why is America getting involved in this process?

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“Energy issues affect everyone on a global level, problems in Europe affect the US,” Philip De Leon, President of Trade Connections International, said in an interview with RT.

“We are all facing the financial crisis and everybody is working to improve the situation”.

He also said there has been some misunderstanding over the issue:

“Russia and the US don’t intend to fight over this, the US is not intent to dictate what is to happen in Europe”.

Leon: It's all a gas game

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