Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who’s behind US/ISAF commander Afghan neo-thinking?

Eugene Khrushchev's

It may seem incredible, but General McChrystal’s vision of a new Grand Afghan Strategy was not inspired by the ancient strategists or futuristic think tanks.

His Afghan strategy review was driven under the influence of the mightiest military mind in a millennium – General Abdul Rahim Wardak, the Afghan Defense Minister. ( How he became a ‘general’ is a different story).

In the first pages of his COMISAF Initial Assessment, under the subtitle Unique Moment in Time, General McChrystal confessed that “ During consultations with Afghan Defense Minister Wardak, I found some of his writings insightful:

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‘Victory is within our grasp…I reject the myth that Afghanistan is a ‘graveyard of empires’ and that the US and NATO effort is destined to fail. Afghans have never seen you as occupiers…Unlike the Russians, who imposed a government with an alien ideology, you enabled us to write a democratic constitution and choose our own government. Unlike the Russians, who destroyed our country, you came to rebuild.’ Given that this conflict and country are his to win – not mine – Minister Wardak’s assessment was part of my calculus.”

Well said, General. The only problem is, that according to the latest article in The Nation magazine, ‘How the US Funds the Taliban’, written by Aram Roston, the main war vultures from General Wardak who inspired General McChrystal’s ‘discrete jump’ to ratchet up the US escalation will be the Afghan Defense Minister’s son, Hamed Wardak, the chieftain of the NCL Holdings, and the Popal brothers, Ahmad Rateb and Rashid, Hamid Karsai’s cousins, the Watan Group owners, aka freedom-fighting narco dealers.

So what is the US president is supposed to approve, the American Afghan strategy or the Afghan American strategy?

Watch Eugene Khrushchev's videoblog

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