Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Senior officials and scholars challenge "China Model"

14:56, December 10, 2009

Although the so-called "China Model" has been a hot topic in the world's media during 2009, the "Study Times" newspaper run by the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC unusually published four articles recently to discuss it specifically. All the articles believe that "China Model" is not a good saying. The authors of the four articles are Li Junru, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC and former vice principal of the Party School; Zhao Qizheng, director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC and former director of the State Council Information Office; Shi Xuehua, professor at the School of Political Science and International Studies under Beijing Normal University; Qiu Gengtian, professor at the Department of Philosophy under the Party School.

"Characteristic" is better than "model"

In his article named "Be Cautious to Mention 'China Model'", Li says that he doesn't support the saying "China Model," but prefers "Chinese Characteristic." "Deng Xiaoping once said that he hoped all the systems of China could become fixed by 2020. But up to now, since the reform and opening up started, our systems still haven't become completely fixed and we are still exploring. 'Model' means 'fixed' and 'China Model' is an unpractical and dangerous saying. First, it may make us become self-complacent and blindly optimistic. Second, it may change the direction of our reform. When the old systems haven't been completed reformed and new systems haven't been fixed, if we say we have already formed a China Model, then we may treat the model as the target of reform in the future," wrote Li.

Preferring "Chinese Case"

Zhao's article is entitled "China doesn't mean to export a 'model'." His reason is that "model" is a word meaning example and sample, but China doesn't mean to set an example for the world. The article said, "We should be very cautious when we use the phrase 'China Model'. Personally, I prefer 'Chinese Case' to 'China Model'. I think 'Chinese Case' is a summary of China's social development ideas, policies, practices, fruits and problems in the 60 years since the new China was founded, especially in the 30 years since the reform and opening-up started. Besides, we should also emphasize that the 'case' is still going and developing now."

"China's experience" is more suitable and leaves room for further development

Shi believes that it is too early to use the term "China Model." At present, it is more scientific and reasonable to call the development experience and the road with Chinese characteristics "China's experience" or "China's development road" rather than "China Model" because it will leave room for the "China's experience" or "China's development road" to develop into the "China Model" in the future.

China's development has its costs.

Qiu believes that China's current priority is scientific development. He pointed out that China encountered a series of very serious problems in development and paid a heavy price while achieving progress. Crises exist even though China has entered a "flourishing age." China's development is based on high costs. If the high costs for development are included into the "China Model," it indicates to a large extent that such a "China Model" is not mature and consummate. Therefore, the model does not have value serving as a model and being popularized widely. If the high costs are not included however, it shows that such a "China Model" is one-sided and does not correspond to reality.

By People's Daily Online

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