Friday, January 01, 2010



If one looked at a wide range of animal species, one would be forced to the conclusion that this vouyerist activity of ours is biologically abnormal. But it is comparatively harmless and may actually help our species, because it satifies to some extent the persistent demands of our sexual curiosity without involving the individuals concerned in new potential mateship relationships that could threaten the pair-bond.

Prostitution operates in much the same way. Here, of course, there is involvement, but in the typical situation it is ruthlessly restricted to the copulatory phase. The earlier courtship phase activities are kept to an absolute minimum. These are the stages where the pair-formation begins to operate and they are duly supressed. If a mate male indulges his urge for sexual novelty by copulating with a prostitute he is, of course, liable to damage his pair-bond, but less so than if he becomes involved in a romantic, but non-copulatory, love affair.

Another form of sexual activity that requires examination is the development of a homosexual fixation. The primary function of sexual behaviour is to reproduce the species and this is something that the formation of homosexual pairs patently fails to do. It is important to make a subtle distinction here. There is nothing biologically unusual about a homosexual act of pseudo-copulation. Many species indulge in this, under a variety of cirumstances. But the formation of a homosexual pair-bond is reproductively unsound, since it cannot lead to the production of offspring and wastes potential breeding adults. To understand how this can happen it will help to look out at other species.

I have already explained how a female may use sexual signals to re-motivate an aggresive male. By arousing him sexually she supresses his antagonism and avoids being attacked. A subordinate male may use a similar device. Young male monkeys frequently adopt female sexual invitation postures and are then mounted by dominant males that otherwise have attacked them. Dominant females may also mount subordinate females in the same way. The utilisation of sexual patterns in non-sexual situations has become a common feature of the primate social scene and has proved extremely valuable in helping to mantain group harmony and organisation. Because these other species of primates do not undergo a process of intense pair-bond formation, it does not lead to difficulties in the shape of long-term homosexual pairings. it simple solves immediate dominance problems, but does not have long-term sexual relationships consequences.

Homosexual behaviour is also seen in situations where the ideal sexual object (a member of the opposite sex) is unavailable. This applies in many groups of animals: a member of the same sex is used as a substitute object ´the next best thing´ for sexual activity. In total isolation animals are often driven to more extreme measures and will attempt to copulate with inanimate objects, or will masturbate. In captivity, for example, certain carnivores have been known to copulate with their food containers. Monkeys frequently develop masturbatory patterns and this has been recorded in the case of lions. Also, animals housed with the wrong species may attempt to mate with them. But these activities frequently disappear when the biologically correct stimulus a member of the opposite sex appears on the scene.

Similar situations occur with high frequency in our species and the response is much the same. If either males or females cannot for some reason obtain sexual access to their opposite members, they will find sexual outlets in other ways. They may use other members of their own sex, or they may use members of other species, or they may masturbate. The detailed American studies of sexual behaviour revealed that in that culture 13 per cent of females and 37 per cent of males have indulged in homosexual contacts to the point of orgasm by the age of 45.

MORRIS, D. The Naked Ape ( Visited on 29/12/09.

Estudo comprova: homofóbicos podem ser gays enrustidos

Slippery future for the empire. Empieza su cuenta regresiva para saber si las carretadas virtuales de los verdes and the flat screens are enough to keep the people still doped. Para cualquiera que consulte fuentes adicionales al NYT y la mayoría de los tóxicos impresos mexicas, la anterior temeraria afirmación no causa mayor sorpresa ni gratuitas descalificaciones. Prediction? Looking forward to see if the money masters pueden encontrar una fórmula para perpetuar el engaño de ocultar su bancarrota and handle a bigger unexpected event (Katrina type or should I say class type?) at the same time that push them to face a real threat.

En nuestro país la legendaria inclinación del mexicano a la pachanga, lo lleva a desestimar the very helpful early alerts about the latest mixed national menace: drugs and terrorism. Oh, yeah? Tell me about it!

Así es, las fiestas navideñas son pa´celebrar, los temas aburridos se dejan pa´l recalentado. Ahí mi hermano comparte sus desventuras a mis parientes: literalmente esperamos un milagro económico en plena cuesta de enero to keep the business alive. Do you think he is nothing but a complainer? Well, let me tell you then about a case en la capital neolonesa. El esposo de una de mis primas educadoras pelea con uñas y dientes para conservar su plantilla de 22 empleados, tratando de que sus clientes liquiden facturas que tienen hasta 2 meses de atraso, cuando en condiciones normales en el negocio de perecederos el pago por lo regular no tarda más de 2 semanas, de acuerdo a la experiencia de esta mayestra. La camioneta repartidora del changarro de dulces y piñatas de otra de mis tías está descompuesta, y uno de mis primos nos informa que ya mero alcanza los tres meses parada frente a la casa del último.

Para olvidarme un poco de nuestras tragedias, acepto la invitación de mi primo, que fue contratado para amenizar musicalmente la fiesta privada de un empresario restaurantero local. Mi carnal que no quiso acompañarnos va a arrepentirse cuando le cuente que la barra libre también aplica para los DJs. "Nada como el año pasado, primo. El salón de arriba estaba a reventar. Eran como unas 60 o 70 personas fácil" -trata de recordar los detalles de la anterior tocada. "Ese que ves ahí es fulano el presidente de Madero" -me dice señalando a un casi calvo maduro paisa. El apellido me es familiar, es cachorro de una de las familias sobrevivientes al quinazo de enero de ´89; el tipo en cuestión, otro condiscípulo de la secu de mis hermanos, ahora del mayor. Mi primo (me) amplia la información al decirme que el aludido llegó al puesto postulado por el tricolor; al mismo tiempo que me dice que el anfitrión le ha prometido contratarlo pa´su campaña por el mismo hueso, pero éste último apoyado por el partido de la farándula, perdón, de los ecologistas.

Seguramente están pensando que el análisis semanal será una manifestación de mi subconsciente envidia al ilimitado poder de este ejemplo de degradación burguesa. ¡Nel! Prefiero concentrarme en el muy previsible (no crystal ball needed) ensanchamiento de la brecha entre nuestros hace muy poco pequeño burgueses y los aún miembros de una élite privilegiada. ¿Pronóstico para el muy conmemorativo 2010? Well, si en forma empírica ustedes me confirman que, contrario a las mañosas disertaciones de ciertos muy lubricados politólogos que intentan generalizar su interesante vida privada, mi experiencia familiar no son casos aislados, este año observaremos si la cuerda puede soportar tanta tensión. Veremos si el agrandamiento de una masa social (recibiendo el pushe de una franja que, al perder sus prerrogativas, se une como artillería de tipo intelectual de una transformación muy anunciada) vejada hasta el extremo despierta o pide el come back and stay bajo el esquema de un logo distinto, un mismo sistema. AL TIEMPO.


Tampico, TAM(enizando_musicalmente);


... its much more difficult the process of creating than analising.


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