Saturday, January 09, 2010


Eugene Khrushchev

Remember the war on drugs? It was supposed to be one-of-a-kind, unlike a generic war on something (poverty, crime, human & arms trafficking) – but it isn’t.

According to State Department Inspector General Performance Audit, Status of the Bureau of International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs Counternarcotics Programs in Afghanistan, despite the fact that “the US Government has been involved in counternarcotics in Afghanistan for over 20 years (sic!) through various agreements to suppress the production, distribution, and the use of illicit drugs and has spent approximately $2 billion (sic!) on counternarcotics programs in the last 5 years,” the 1st key finding makes an outrageous claim that the US doesn’t have a long-term counternarcotics strategy in Afghanistan.

The narco cartels would strongly object to that alarmist statement for several reasons:

• It is exactly in the last eight years of US ‘accidental’ occupation that Afghan druglords have achieved an undisturbed & exponential bumper crop of opium poppy & cannabis and has deformed the country into the drug basket of the world with three-year global heroin consumption stockpiles.

• The US decision to deploy UK troops to Helmand has made them the best drug protection force money can buy and won the province the undisputed title of the Drug Champ of Afghanistan, with an impressive 57% of opium production countrywide.

• From the input/output prospective, it’s a sound business model and win-win situation for US State Dept. private subcontractors & Afghan druglords: to harvest “$2 billion on counternarcotics programs in the last five years” in a perfect unison with narco partners, who generate even more revenue for international terrorist & criminal networks and local officials/warlords.

• Thanks to the Richard Holbrook disinformation campaign, the only credible threat to the matrix of narco enterprise – aerial eradication – has been successfully averted.

• Annually, Afghan opium is 33 times more efficient at killing Russians at home than Afghan insurgents killing Soviet soldiers abroad, if you compare Russia’s 50,000 loss last year to the USSR’s 15,000KIA in 10 years.

Even if nowadays the US lacks the counternarcotics strategy in Afghanistan, it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t had any. For sure, it was anything but “counternarcotics”. It was supposed to be the War on Drugs – so far it has been the Drug War on us, courtesy of US Drugstore strategy.

Watch Eugene Khrushchev's videoblog

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