Friday, March 05, 2010


But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother,
It is Corban, that is to say, a gift,
by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
he shall be free. And ye suffer him no more to do ought
for his father or his mother;

Mark 7 11:12. King James Version.

They made sure that they seized him during the prayer. For they were afraid of the people, because he was in all their hands as a prophet. And they approached Judas. They said to him: What are you doing in this place? Aren't you a disciple of Jesus? But he answered them according to their wishes. But Judas took some money. He delivered him over to them.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


RICHARDSON, J.M. The Secrets of Judas. Harper San Francisco. First Edition. New York. 2006.

Across The Universe - Hey Jude! (SubESP)

To my brother.

Yeah, Rulfo was damn right all the way! Anoche la prima de la rojilla nos invita a un espectaculo mixto (espero que la embajada en Mexico de este pais tenga planeada su puesta en escena alla, ok, yo organizo la cooperacha, pues; !que mentalidad tan pimpon metalizada, neta!) que superbly combina a hidden masterpiece (Coarse Sand*) of Hwang, Soon Won (Oh Boy, he is definitively the man!), y la interpretacion de musica tradicional coreana con instrumentos originales, redondeando with the wonderful performance of a group of young actors. Aunque contesto que el final, cuando la rojilla me pregunta -para llenar una encuesta al terminar la actuacion- cual fue la mejor parte de la obra, es este del tipo de ocasiones en que usted se queda con la duda si la historia tal vez contara con varios recovecos ocultos, (que son) imposibles de descifrar.. por el momento.

A stranger in Town.

El minimalismo de la estancia y la frugalidad de la comida (en un pais donde el tamaño de la bienvenida es directamente proporcional a la cantidad de alimentos ofrecidos), me indican rapidamente que en esta casa hay por lo menos una mujer ausente. Poco tiempo despues hemos de visitar a la companera de nuestro anfitrion, en el hospital mas cercano de este pequeno pueblo provinciano. Oh, no again, please! Honestly, I really feel Im welcome to your country, but cant you see the size of my tank? Useless! Y esta vez es una cena completa incluyendo los infaltables entremeses. Ok, seems that I overlooked the small buscuits especially packed for the army and the real meaning of the whisky gift. Creo que he disparado imprudentemente la pregunta en el momento menos oportuno, despues de varios sojus (por un momento me recordo la indiscreta locuacidad etilica de los yunquetos en Norwich), a cualquiera se le pueden complicar las respuestas mesuradas. "Si, la frontera al norte esta como a tres horas manejando... Yo soy muy nacionalista, y los comunistas me caen de la patada. Pronto me daran una medalla por mis servicios." Mmm, que bueno que por el momento me ahorre mis oportunos comentarios. Solo quisiera haber tenido el arrojo suficiente para avisarle a este buen hombre that the cold war is over as far as I know, but that the world is changing so fast that we havent found the right choice for our very interesting times, yet.

YIFAT SUSSKIND "the El Salvador option"

This country seems to be heading steadily to an inevitable fate, according to one of the friends of la rojilla. He tenido poco exito al tratar de poner como ejemplos nuestra olvidada Reforma, y mucho menos con la tolerante España poco antes del arribo de los reyes catolicos. Su hipotesis demografica para invadir poco a poco este pais con seguidores del Islam (del que asegura que su libro sagrado incita explicitamente a la violencia) parece mucho mas nitida que nuestras teorias conspirativas sobre el fraude electoral de 2006. Estrategia propuesta por este bien intencionado compa? Well, lets be fruitful and overcome our fellow muslims in our own land.

... being edited.

El tour organizado por la progenitora ha de terminar (without necessity of a GPS-assisted driving), tal como estaba pensado, frente a las cenizas del padre de la rojilla; solo entonces caigo en la cuenta de que la multiplicidad de capas significativas ha rebasado ampliamente my very narrow speculations. That "do you fully understand why we are coming, darling?" seems to have an insignificant meaning, now. How come this old lady have come to synthetise all in one? Shes perfectly happy to live in this modern new world and still keep very ancient traditions without clashing with her beliefs. A whole lecture on useful experience, wise boy.


Seul, COR(o_angelical);


... O nosotros o nadie mas.


The Pixies - Where's My Mind (the Fight club ending theme)

* Laborer at the alluvial gold mine.
Tori's father continues to make a living by secretely swallowing the alluvial gold. He ends up dying after evacuationg bloody excrements, and left with no means of support. Tori's mother abandons her son, and commits adultery with the miner overseer. Tori wanders from one place to another, working in stores for living, and degenerated into an errand boy at an inn. Then, Tori's mother comes to him deserted by other men and addicted to opium...

snoopy Pictures, Images and Photos

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