Saturday, March 13, 2010


The next day, he suddenly gets much better. He takes a bath in the deep yellow tub and eats two eggs while watching CNN, sitting up for the first time in days.



He doesn't see what's funny about it.

"You know it's falling from favor. Meaning it was once in favor."

He waves my joke away. "Anything else?"

"You want me to read the Netayahu piece?"



This is the American cultural center, where he lingers over the free international newspapers for a few weeks until the director of the place offers him a room and a job, cashier in the center's restaurant. There Jack stays until he finds work at a 17th-century chateau owned by "an American gentleman of somewhat shattered fortunes," which accounts for the exotic letterhead he writes under, Chateau de Gregy in rich black letters. But it seems an odd kind of job.

I was especially delighted by having breakfast in my room and by taking tea and cookies at five o'clock every day. I began to feel truly aristocratic and -whisper it sorrowfully- I almost deserted all my socialist sympathies.

Good Bye, Lenin! Cinematic Trailer - English Subs

He never does tell Chisler what the job entailed, which was cataloguing this old gentleman's vast pornography library. Then he comes back early from a short trip and surprises the old gentleman entertaining a male visitor, a social error that brings his chateau idyll to an abrupt and embarrasing end.


And Germany was so very controlled. All the newspapers said the same thing. Many books and films were verboten, like the work of H.G. Wells and All Quiet on the Western Front. Hitler encouraged a fanatic nationalism that constantly emphasized the antagonism of the rest of the world, making people even more embattled and patriotic.


The next cable in the file is definitely written by my father -for once, the CIA censor forgot to wield his marker. This one is about two CIA officers who went to inspect some new office space in Linz, where they met "an intelligence operator of the 'breathless' school." All excited, this breathless officer said he had obtained some very valuable information from an agent of a German intelligence service who wouldn’t give his name. The CIA men agreed to have a look but my father was skeptical, especially when he found out that the breathless agent had already paid for the information and now expected to be reimbursed. And sure enough, it turned out that his suspicions were correct and the unidentified German agent was "the master fabricator Hoettl," the information the usual pack of lies.

Furious, my father endorsed a plan to "burn" Hoettl. That plan went into effect seven months later when the CIC arrested Hoettl in connection with yet another espionage ring, this time a pro-Soviet operation run by two American citizens named Kurt Ponger and Otto Verber. At his home, they found a pistol and a false passport. After putting him in a chilly cell with no windows and interrogating him with a lie detector, they decided he was probably innocent this time, but held for two more days and leaked a false story to the press. My father’s revenge appeared in the Washington Post on April 7, 1953:

U.S. Army authorities said they had picked up Wilhem Hoettl, a former Nazi SS (Elite Guard) officer who engaged in espionage in the Balkans for Germans during World War II. The Army said he had connections with Kurt L. Ponger and Otto Verber, naturalized Americans arrested in Vienna and charged with giving U.S. military secrets to Yuri W.V. Novikov, second secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Washington.

Reading this file, Im amused to see my father manipulating the press, impressed by his command of this slippery world. Its good to see him showing no patience for the bullboy types, which is consistent with the CIA's overall record in those days despite headlines to the contrary. Millitary intelligence was much worse.

But as I read on, things get murky. The second set of cables are about Otto von Bolschwing, the same man his team sent packing in 1947. As an assitant to Adolf Eichmann, von Bolschwing developed plans for terrorizing the jews out of Austria. As Heinrich Himmlers representative to Romania, he supported the ultra-Fascist Iron Guard during a bloody pogrom of the jews of Bucharest. But he wormed his way into a job working for the German branch of the Org in 1947 and managed to hold onto it after the CIA started funding the Org in 1949. Recent scholarship suggests that some intrigue was involved. In a 2004 study of freshly declassified documents, a historian named Timothy Naftaly determined that the German CIA station even went to some lengths to clean up his file, possibly out of the fear of being embarrassed. It was a terrible mistake. “ The moment the CIA acted to whitewash von Bolschwing’s past,” Naftal said, “this nazi war criminal gained enormous leverage over the U.S. Government.”

RICHARDSON, J.H. My Father the spy. HarperCollins Publishers. First Edition. New York. 2005.

Fria despedida de la peninsula coreana. La ultima onda gelida en la capital sudcoreana me ha dejado con el moco de fuera.

I beg you pardon if I am bit in a rush, but I am about to take off (The Cure - Taking Off ) to Mexico city. Pues bien, ahora que considero necesario realizar un recuento de lo que vi en la parte sur de Corea, espero que hayan notado que, con excepcion del militar que mencione en el post pasado, ninguno de los familiares o amigos de la rojilla hablo una sola vez de la polaca.

El aspecto economico, sin embargo, si fue abordado. Desde su amiga, ex companera en la misma universidad britanica que le recomienda echarle un vistazo a los planes de desarrollo que dictan, perdon, sugieren el Banco Mundial y el FMI para la Republica Mexicana, pasando por su amigo de la cena de antier, representante de una empresa que fabrica diversos empaques, entre ellos botellas de plastico para refresco y al que, ya que el 90% de sus ventas foraneas se realizan en Europa, no logro motivarlo demasiado con la idea de pedirle que investigue a los new "environmental-friendly" consumers para expandir su mercado. Tampoco logre mucho cuando uno de los esposos de sus amigas me pregunto sobre el calentamiento global, y termine explicandole que "la mayoria de los gobiernos" de los paises ya no se encuentran tan entusiasmados en atacar "integralmente" al problema, y para ponerle un ejemplo, le platico sobre el retiro de los incentivos economicos para aquellas personas interesadas en comprar autos hibridos. Tengo mis dudas tambien sobre la manera en que ha de terminar la idea de otro de sus compatriotas, este church-goer me interrogaba sobre nuestra red nacional de internet, ya que meditaba junto con un equipo de expertos en la materia (no Peace Corps kind, please) sobre la forma de ayudar a desarrollar herramientas de internet en zonas necesitadas en nuestro territorio (segun el ya lo aplicaron en la region de Vladivostok, en la federacion rusa); como deseaba ser lo mas sincero posible le pedi que se echara un clavado en google y searcheara en forma combinada las siguientes palabras: Enciclomedia, Fox, Gates y Mexico, ah! tampoco soy experto en ello –le digo; pero les sugiero que si piensan apoyar a escolapios, se aseguren de que el planten cuente, por lo menos, con energia electrica y un salon en regulares condiciones donde los equipos se puedan almacenar en forma segura. La unica que apenas esbozo una queja por su actual situacion fue la madre de la coreanita, el pequeno changarro de plantas de ornato de su progenitora no esta pasando sus mejores dias; con la primavera tocando a la puerta, su contabilidad muestra una tendencia decreciente en comparacion con los anteriores periodos correspondientes. "La preocupacion no es solo de ella, darling. Te lo dije con mucha anticipacion, aunque algunos expertos se empecinan en hablar de recuperacion, existen otros obstinados analistas que continuan calificacion a la actual como una depresion economica global. Preguntales a mis carnales que tal les va, si es que yo no te inspiro confianza alguna."

"You know, my grandma has just told me that nowadays she only keeps two sets of everything; as she and my aunt do not have that many necessities, she has got rid of everything she thinks was useless" -me dice la rojilla. Quizas sea por su larga experiencia, quizas porque crecio con una generacion no tan condicionada por requerimientos superfluos, sean algunas de las razones por las que esta anciana has such a simple life.

Desafortunadamente, nuestra camada ha comprado la idea de un mundo en extremo complicado. Obviamente, no estoy proponiendo que volvamos al paleolitico, mas si estoy convencido de que, para desenredar el lio en que hemos atascado a nuestro mundo (el unico que cuenta con las condiciones ideales para nuestra subsistencia), necesitaremos de las habilidades de seres humanos que ademas de contar con una amplia experiencia, sean capaces de englobar nuestros problemas cotidianos antes de encontrar sus posibles soluciones.

We need to destroy the pernicious (dont know if it really exists in the oxford dictionary, hope the romans took it to the British Isles) of one global system, under the sole tiranny or the economy, in which the extreme case of freedom consists in the freedom to choose what or not to buy. Our plans to tackle with this regime are limited, cause no matter if you are right or left-winged, you can hardly escape to the mainstream mindset. I know you love examples, Va que va! El problema del cambio climatico antropogenico no es solo cientifico como muchos estiman, sino tambien de inmensas implicaciones eticas. Asi, quienes hasta hoy han utilizado "nuestros resultados" para evaluar ciertos impactos socioeconomicos lo han hecho manosamente desde un punto de vista que llaman consensuado, para a partir de este punto proponer soluciones sesgadas, que hasta hoy han afectado la vida de millones de personas en nuestro planeta. O no es verdad que es muy peligrosa la ciencia sin conciencia?

Ciertamente nuestro pais es un serio caso de estudio. A mas de tres anos de distancia, al ritmo de la balada para un "suicidio asistido" o jarabe antidiarreico (urge en verdad el cerebral), aun se sigue exhibiendo el manchado papel sanitario, con el que los tres poderes de la union coludidos por igual, trataron de limpiar la eleccion de 2006, para imponer a un ministro de deportes que simula despachar en los pinos.

Neta que no hemos extraviado el proposito final de nuestra lucha en varios frentes, el de las calles es uno de los mas importantes; pero sucede que muy a menudo hemos tenido que trazar a new road map porque nos han eliminado a la malaguena los puntos intermedios. A una estrategia orientada completamente a la muerte, hemos presentado una filosofia integral de vida, y esta es en extremo valiosa como para dejarsela a mediocres, con o sin infinitos recursos economicos, con o sin turbias networkings, y con o sin apoyo mediatico. Aquellos que logren conjuntar experiencia y sabiduria colectiva, yo estimo que estaran mas cercanos a pernoctar varias veces antes de llegar al destino final, que es el de perpetuar la permanencia de nuestra especie en la Tierra. AL TIEMPO.


En Territorio Frances, AF267;


... leaders dont force people to follow, they invite them on a journey.


l'Affaire Farewell - Official Trailer (HD)

Sorry got plenty of time, but own no money.

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