Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beijing auto show spotlights alternative-energy cars

12:31, April 20, 2010

More than 2,100 exhibitors from 16 countries will converge on Beijing for the 11th Beijing International Auto Show on April 23, which will feature the latest designs for alternative-energy cars. Organizers expect the number of visitors this year will be up to 700,000.

The exhibition area covers nearly 200,000 square meters with a total of 990 cars, of which 89 will be making a world debut. Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche, Ford, General Motors and other multinational enterprises will send the strongest teams in the history of exhibition.

Japan's Toyota Motors, which has been under fire due to the recent recall events, also put much effort into this show. This year will be Toyota's largest show in terms of exhibition area and the number of cars participating.

Another highlight of this show is a competition between major alternative-energy cars. This show will have 95 new alternative-energy cars on display, accounting for almost one-tenth of the total number of participating vehicles, the greatest in the history.

Toyota is bringing new vehicles such as the FT-E V, equipped with lithium-ion battery; the FCH V, using the high-performance fuel cell "Toyota FCStack," and the new Prius, powered by lithium-ion battery and using external plug-in rechargeable hybrid technology. BMW will bring the hybrid 7 Series and X6.

Audi will show its new hybrid Audi A8, a four-wheel drive e-tron electric sports car and the A1 e-tron electric cars. Soueast Motors will promote its Delica electric vehicles, jointly-developed with AEV from the United States, and the 5-door Fastback concept car V4, equipped with a hybrid system that can recharge by an external power supply.

As for domestic enterprises, BYD will bring the F3DM dual-mode electric vehicle and e6, which was a hit at the North American Auto Show. Chery will show off the pure electric QQ, which may cost only 50,000 yuan. FAW Group will introduce two electric bionic concept cars: the E-wing and E-coo.

By People's Daily Online

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