Sunday, April 04, 2010

Explosion derails a train in southern Russia

04 April, 2010, 06:29

A freight train has reportedly been derailed by an explosion in the Russian Republic of Dagestan, according to a source in the local security body.

A locomotive and eight cars came off the tracks after two blasts struck a 39-carriage train on Sunday morning.

“The first investigation data shows that this explosion continues the militant terrorist attack which began on March 29,” said a high-ranking special service officer, reports RIA Novosti.

Suicide bombers set off two explosions at Moscow Metro stations Lubyanka and Park Kultury on March 29, claiming the lives of 40 people with over 100 injured. Two days later suicide bombers attacked the city of Kyzlyar in Dagestan, killing 12.

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“The militant leaders in the North Caucasus are trying to destabilize the already complicated situation in Dagestan,” the special service officer added.

The train was on its way from the Azerbaijani capital of Baku to Moscow when several cars ran off the track. A fire allegedly broke out but was extinguished shortly after the accident. No injuries have been reported so far.

The railway is now being checked for explosive devices. The derailment has caused delays on the railway, in particular to a passenger train with over 100 people aboard.

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