Thursday, April 29, 2010

Russia knows solution for European problem - Lavrov

Edited 29 April, 2010, 19:43

Medvedev’s idea to sign a European Security treaty proposes a clear and simple solution to the problem concerning the current system of European Security, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Lavrov made the remarks regarding Medvedev’s proposal, which dates back to June 2008, at the PACE plenary session on Thursday.

He also said that “the principle of indivisibility of European security should be legally binding.”

During his speech the Russian FM also stressed that “relations between the US, Europe and Russia need a new qualitatively interaction, that could help solve common and global challenges.”

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“Instead of the negative stability of Cold War times we all need positive stability, based on collective interaction,” he said, adding that “an indifferently correct neighborhood is impossible on our continent.”

Lavrov also noted that equal, indivisible and guaranteed security of all states should become a real thing.

The foreign minister explained that the catastrophe of WWII has become a powerful catalyst that has helped Europeans to understand that “there is a need to build a common home, where human rights would be protected, democracy would be strong, the supremacy of law would be guaranteed and social problems would be solved.”

He stressed that “Russia strongly opposes the rewriting of the history of WWII in attempts to fight Stalinism.”

“Our duty is to tell young Europeans the truth about WWII,” said Lavrov and proposed guided remembrance tours be set up around Europe.

Negotiations with Iran must continue

Concerning Iran Nuclear problem Lavrov said that Russia is disappointed by how Iran is reacting to the proposals made by the international community regarding the settlement of its nuclear issue.

Iran getting possession of nuclear weapons is unacceptable for Russia, the foreign minister said.

“We reject all violations of the non-proliferation regime and we reject, of course, the prospect of Iran or any other state getting possession of nuclear weapons.”

He stressed however that calls for the use of force against the Islamic Republic are unacceptable.

Everyone should understand what disastrous impact it will have for the region. The wave of negative consequences will reach Europe, not to mention the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Lavrov said that Moscow realizes Iran is a “difficult partner” but at the same time he noted that persuading those who disagree with you is what diplomacy is all about.

According to the Russian foreign minister, the 3+3 Group “creates conditions and positive incentives for Iran to sit down at the negotiation table and simultaneously uses the UN Security Council to support the claims voiced against Iran by the IAEA, calling on it to resolve issues that have still not been resolved.”

Lavrov also warned that “in the absence of cooperation on the part of Iran, sanctions could become inevitable. The UN Security Council will discuss this issue in the near future.”

“There is discrepancy between threats analysis and US AMD plans”

Speaking on the prospects of creating a joint AMD system, Lavrov denounced US attempts to conduct the US-Russia dialogue on the analysis of common threats simultaneously with the AMD agreements with European countries.

“The discussions between Russia and the United States over the joint analysis of threats are proceeding alongside the transformation of the system [of the US missile defense] into specific agreements between the United States and some European countries. We see a certain discrepancy in this and wish to organize joint work after all.”

Lavrov reminded that last year the two countries’ presidents agreed to create a special group within the US-Russian bilateral commission, which would assess common threats, including the missile ones. However, Barack Obama’s administration has signed a number of independent agreements with European countries, which hampers the work of this group.

“The US is now building in Europe what it wants to build. NATO is waiting until the US AMD plans in Europe clarify, after which they will match it. Only after that, as far as I understand, will NATO take Russia into consideration,” Lavrov said, before adding, “We don’t give up hope, and will try to make up a new project hand in hand with the US, NATO and our European partners – but these two processes are parallel and do not intercross.”

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