Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Institutionalized racism major concern in US immigration battle

26 May, 2010, 04:24

Hackers in Miami targeted an electric billboard, placing the slogan “No Latinos, No Tacos” on a flashing construction sign on a major roadway in south Florida.

This is one attack in a long historical process of attacks against the Latino community,” said Ron Gochez, a Latino community activist in Los Angeles.

Gochez said that such incidents are nothing new and that he is more worried about the expansion of institutionalized occurrences of racism in America, such as the Arizona immigration law and other laws coming from federal, state and local governments.

President Obama, who promised us hope and change in his campaign in 2008, he did change something. He ordered today these troops to come down to the border. This is a something that’s a military attack against the communities of these border regions,” said Gochez.

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Additional troops could lead to additional attacks and deaths at the border.

This is coming officially from the government, from the Democratic Party administration, who promised us hope and change but has given us nothing more than repression, more deportations, more arrests,” said Gochez.

Gochez said the only solution to the problem is immigration reform and the political leadership of the United States must recognize this or they will lose the support of the Latino community.

No legalization, no reelection,” said Gochez.

No Latinos, No tacos: Hackers place racist message on Miami road sign

26 May, 2010, 03:50

Hackers in Miami targeted an electric billboard placing the slogan “No Latinos No Tacos” on a flashing construction sign on a major roadway in south Florida.

The sign was supposed to be displaying a message warning drivers that the coming exit was closed to traffic.

Officials attempted to change the text on the sign back to its intended message, but were unable to do so and were forced to simply turn off the sign. Miami police are investigating the incident.

South Florida is a heavily Latin influenced region of the United States. The city of Miami is an international city with Latinos coming from across Latin America.

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Miami is a city run by Latinos,” said RT Producer Carmen Sesin in Miami.

Although some were offended, many simply brushed off the occurrence recognizing that the Latino population is the majority.

Americans who don’t speak Spanish are at a disadvantage here in Miami. It is almost Latin America,” said Sesin.

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