Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is the Dalai Lama qualified to speak on the 'welfare of 6 million Tibetans?'

11:31, June 13, 2010

In early 2010, the Dalai Clique filed a "Note relating to the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for All Tibetans" to the Chinese government, requesting talks on the "welfare of 6 million Tibetans."

It is well known that the cruel oppression and exploitation brought about by theocratic feudal serfdom in old Tibet severely suffocated the vitality of society, and caused development in Tibetan society to stagnate for a long period of time.

Prior to the 1950s, Tibetan society was still extremely closed and backwards, and the production level and the development of the entire society were at an exceptionally low level. Numerous serfs and slaves suffered from hunger and cold and had difficulty making a living. Countless Tibetans died from hunger, cold, poverty or disease.

American Tibetologist Tom Grunfeld pointed out that according to a survey in eastern Tibet in 1940, 38 percent of households had never drank tea, 51 percent could not afford ghee, 75 percent often had to take weeds mixed with cow bone soups, oat or bean flour as their meals.

Since the 14th Dalai Lama could not even guarantee the most fundamental rights of survival for numerous Tibetan agricultural and pastoral farmers, he is not qualified to talk about the "welfare of 6 million Tibetans." Furthermore, "6 million Tibetans" imply a concept of a "Greater Tibet." As the 14th Dalai Lama had never managed any Tibetan region outside Tibet, he is even further from being qualified to discuss the "welfare of 6 million Tibetans."

The hard facts prove that what the Dalai Lama had said about the profits from Tibetan development being taken away by the Han nationality is just scheming and tricks. Before the democratic revolution, Tibetan farmers and herdsmen did not have the means of production and were in almost life-long debts. They had poor living conditions, with more than 90 percent not having their own homes and no more than 3 square meters of housing per capita. In 2009, however, their per capita net income reached almost 3,600 yuan and Tibetans' living conditions have made significant improvements, with over 1.2 million farmers and herdsmen from 230,000 households moving into new houses.

Moreover, infrastructure construction also improved significantly. Ecological protection and construction were strengthened and education, science, culture, health and other social programs had an integrated development. At present, Tibet has a stable social situation, where people live in peace and the public cherish their hard-earned happiness more. The slogan of "Unity and stability are a blessing, while division and turmoil are a curse" has become the consensus of people in the region.

Tibetan people did not become the true masters of Tibet Autonomous Region until the peaceful liberation of Tibet Autonomous Region. However, the Dalai Lama used every trick in the book to destroy the tranquility of Tibet Autonomous Region and brought "suffering" to the Tibetan people through his "villainies." The Dalai Lama started an armed rebellion at the end of the 1950s and the Dalai Clique also stirred up continuous and massive riots in Lhasa at the end of 1980s, which has seriously violated the interests of the Tibetan people.

In addition, the "3.14" incident, which was planned and stirred up by the Dalai Clique, caused more damage to the lives and property of the Tibetan people and seriously destroyed the stable and united situation of Tibet. People wonder where the mercy and compassion of Buddhism are every time the Dalai Lama instigates and indulges law breakers to disturb public order.

All these incidents have proved one fact—what the Dalai Lama wants to defend is only the joy and happiness of the minority separatists, and what he wants to destroy is the peace, comfort and safety of the majority Tibetan people. As the Dalai Lama wants to pay a debt of gratitude towards feudal serfdom, Tibetans indignantly reply to him that it is a fond dream to restore the feudal serfdom under theocracy.

In order to call the people to support Tibet and help the Tibetan people develop undertakings in fields such as economy, culture and education, the Chinese government not only provided direct economic assistance to Tibet, but also formulated a series of preferential policies over the past 50 years. Great achievements have been made by the Chinese government. The great changes in the lives of the Tibetan people prove that the Dalai Lama is not qualified to talk about the "welfare of 6 million Tibetans."

By People's Daily Online

Tibet Daily contributes to the story

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