Thursday, June 24, 2010

See clearly the shared interests between China and World

17:27, June 23, 2010

By Li Hongmei

For years, the two extreme and contradictory clamors over China have been braying across the world, with the alternate rise and ebb-- China Threat and China Decline. Seldom can people hear some pertinent remarks on China's actuality, mostly as a result the information gap born of the inadequate communication and the dim awareness of a true China. A disagreeable feeling might just be induced by the indigestion of what is accepted, perhaps, not as it is.

But at least one thing is certain when specking of China and the rest of the world, that a clear and unbiased perspective to view the shared interests between China and the world will be always conducive to the global economy, ensuring it to progress on the right track of balance, common good and win-win, and which, in turn, will bring peace and development to the international community.

Gone are the days when one or two countries made decisions for the whole world. China has always maintained that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community and must respect one another and treat one another with equality.

A more developed China will continue to treat others as equals and will never impose its own will on others. On the other hand, China, like any country in the world, will defend its hard-won equal rights and legitimate interests.

In the lead up to the G20 Summit, which will convene leaders of various nations in Canada on Saturday and Sunday to decide on the future course of the grouping, China has again been singled out by some Western media to play a leading role to carry out the basic formula of the Summit featuring "Recovery and New Beginnings".

Admittedly, China takes the lead in the global recovery with up to 50% of its contribution to the global economic growth, just when the world economy is still struggling out of the sweeping chill. Many even assert that if China's economy had not rebounded so promptly, the global economy would have plunged into the abyss.

While on the flip side, the basic fact looms clear that "one tree only can not make a forest, and one single flower in blossom does not mean the sign of spring." The world economy, grappling with crisis, can hardly count on China, accounting for only 5% of the world's total economic volume, to survive the bitter winter. Only the combined strength from both the "wealthy nations' club" and the emerging economies including China, will the engine of global economy pick up steam.

As early as the year 2005, President Hu Jingtao made a speech at UN summit, and proposed "to strive hard to establish a commonly prosperous and harmonious world with lasting peace". To this effect, China proposes politically to uphold multilateralism and realize joint security; and economically to uphold mutual benefit and win-win cooperation and realize joint prosperity.

Since then on, the idea of "harmonious world" as Chinese new conception of world order has been increasingly gaining ascendancy around the world.

Evidently, in this interdependent world, China's future is closely linked to that of the world. China's own interests and those of others are best served when they work together to expand common interests, share responsibilities and seek win-win outcomes. That is why while focusing on its own growth, China is undertaking more and more international responsibilities commensurate with its strength and status.

In the bygone days, China has shown with its concrete actions that it is a positive force for world peace and common development. And in the future, China's rise will come to be the great blessing both to its own people and to the entire world.

The articles in this column represent the author's views only. They do not represent opinions of People's Daily or People's Daily Online.

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