Monday, July 19, 2010

Chinese dream no conspiracy, Foreign Ministry official

The international situation saw great changes during the first half this year, giving rise to new tendencies and trends. China has become a decisive force in the international arena. Everything about China, such as its growth, its influence or the changing perceptions of Western media, has become the focus of wide attention. Le Yucheng, Director General of the Policy-Planning Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shared his views on the afore-mentioned issues in an interview in Beijing.

Competition among super powers a mainly "non-violent struggle"

Referring to the changes in the international situation, Le noted that the issue of development has become more and more prominent and the relationship between diplomacy and development is closer.

"Countries around the world have realized that development is of overriding importance following the global credit crunch and tried to find ways for better growth. Economic factors carry more and more weight in international relations and are interweaved with other factors such as politics, security and diplomacy. For instance, the economic and financial issues that the G20 discussed are also strategic and security issues. The transformation of the economic growth pattern has become the main task of diplomatic work to maintain stability and boost development. Chinese embassies and consulates overseas have played a crucial role in helping State-owned enterprises go global and explore overseas markets and resources."

Second, competition and cooperation among super powers coexists. According to Le, big powers are experiencing more friction on trade issues and disputes on international rules. However, unlike the Cold War, the current competition manifests itself generally in verbal struggles. Faced with more and more global challenges, no country can afford to solve problems alone. But generally speaking, cooperation still remains the mainstream and trends of relations among super powers.

There are still prolonged disputes over the RMB exchange rate. However, the U.S. exchange rate report did not single out China as a currency manipulator. Le noted that it is normal for China and the United States to have disputes on some issues, but what matters is that the two sides should handle the disputes rationally and keep a cool head to avoid frequent disruption of bilateral relations. It is a fact that China, the largest developing country, and the United States, the largest developed country, can benefit from friendly cooperation but suffer from confrontations. The stable development of bilateral relations can not only be beneficial to the two sides, but also to the world as a whole.

China has no conspiracy

At present, more and more Western media are reporting with that China has become intransigent. Le refuted such a claim, saying that it harms China when it is accused of being obstinate just for safeguarding legitimate rights and interests, which is neither fair nor reasonable.

China's diplomatic strategy is very clear that it is pursuing an independent and peaceful foreign policy, creating a better external environment for domestic growth and promoting world peace and development. Le said China has no conspiracy and doesn't aspire to hegemony, but instead, China only works for the interest of its people, seeks development and makes further contributions to world peace and development.

By People's Daily Online

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