Thursday, July 29, 2010

Prime Minister resigns over Sejong debacle

Cabinet reshuffle likely in early August

By Na Jeong-ju

Staff reporter

Prime Minister Chung Un-chan resigned Thursday despite the ruling party’s overwhelming victory in the by-elections a day earlier, taking responsibility for “prompting concerns and disputes” in society over his failed attempt to revise the administrative town project.

Since the National Assembly voted down the bills on the revision in late June, Chung has expressed his intention to resign on several occasions to President Lee Myung-bak.

Lee initially asked him to continue, but eventually had to accept his resignation, presidential aides said.

Chung’s departure came amid the forecast that the conservative leader will conduct a sweeping Cabinet reshuffle early next month after returning from his summer vacation.

“With the by-elections over, I thought this was the best time to quit,” Chung told reporters. “This is also the last chance to quit as President Lee is seeking a new start in the second half of his tenure.”

Chung apologized to the public for creating a fiasco in his unsuccessful efforts to transform the administrative town of Sejong City in South Chungcheong Province into a business complex.

After taking office as the country’s 40th prime minister last September, the former Seoul National University president sought to gain parliamentary approval for the revision bills with firm backing from President Lee.

In the face of fierce opposition from residents and a rift between rival factions of the governing Grand National Party (GNP), however, he struggled to make a breakthrough.

Chung came under pressure to step down after the GNP lost in the June 2 local elections. Opposition parties and independent candidates swept mayoral and gubernatorial posts that were up for grabs in the Chungcheong provinces.

His fate became increasingly uncertain in the weeks following as opposition parties and a GNP faction, led by former Chairwoman Rep. Park Geun-hye, combined forces to kill the bills.

Presidential aides said Cheong Wa Dae will soon name Chung’s successor.

Potential candidates include Kim Deog-ryong, a former GNP lawmaker and now an advisor to President Lee for national unity, Rep. Sim Dae-pyung, chairman of the minor opposition People First Party, and former South Gyeongsang Province Governor Kim Tae-ho.

Dimite premier en Corea del Sur por falta de apoyo en el parlamento

"Estoy renunciando al puesto de primer ministro y asumo toda la responsabilidad del fracaso" del proyecto gubernamental para crear una complejo de negocios técnico-científico, declaró Chung Un-chan.

Publicado: 29/07/2010 10:40

Pekín. El primer ministro de Corea del Sur, Chung Un-chan, presentó este jueves su renuncia y asumió toda la responsabilidad del fallido proyecto gubernamental para crear una complejo de negocios técnico-científico que fue rechazado por el parlamento.

En rueda de prensa, Chung, quien encabezó la aprobación del proyecto en la Asamblea Nacional, dijo "estoy renunciando al puesto de primer ministro y asumo toda la responsabilidad del fracaso".

En una declaración transmitida en vivo por televisión, señaló que "con todos sus defectos y responsabilidades sobre mi espalda, renunció ahora'', reportó la agencia de noticias Yonhap.

La dimisión de Chung se produce luego que la Asamblea Nacional votó el mes pasado en contra del proyecto de ley de la "Ciudad de Sejong", que preveía la construcción de un centro de negocios en la provincia de Chungcheong.

Ese plan, defendido por Chung, era alternativo a uno diseñado por el gobierno anterior del presidente Roh Moo Hyun, que contemplaba la creación de una ciudad administrativa, al traspasar varios Ministerios y agencias federales de Seúl a la prevista entidad.

Chung, nombrado en septiembre del año pasado, lidereó los esfuerzos del gobierno de Lee para aprobar el proyecto de la construcción de la Ciudad Sejong, nombre en honor al rey Sejong de la Dinastía Joseon.

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