Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Financial turbulence mounts as global economy slides deeper into slump
17 April 2012
For most of this year, financial markets have been experiencing an upswing, buoyed by the injections of cheap money from the US and European central banks. But like the rosy flush that appears on the cheeks of a tuberculosis patient, the surge in stock prices was not the manifestation of economic health, but rather a sign of deepening sickness.

Spain: More cuts in health care and education
By Alejandro López
17 April 2012

The IBEX (Spain’s principal stock exchange) hit a new three-year low on Monday morning as trading opened, down by 35 points. At the same time, the cost of insuring Spanish debt rose to a record high.

Rabobank rate strategist Lyn Graham-Taylor was quoted as saying Europe was “back in full crisis mode”, with Spain in the forefront. This is despite the European Central Bank injecting €1 trillion into the European financial system last December. This averted an immediate financial meltdown by providing banks with a lucrative source of ultra-cheap money, which was then used to buy Spanish debt.

Camila Vallejo: Los verdaderos retrógrados (+ Video)

How do volcanoes affect the atmosphere and climate?
Volcanic Effects

IMF: Global economic recovery fragile and risk of relapse high
Disorderly default and exit by eurozone member could spark market panic and cause bigger crisis than after Lehman collapse, IMF says in World Economic Outlook report
Larry Elliott in Washington, Tuesday 17 April 2012 17.04 BST
Más cerca Argentina de contracción económica por YPF: Merrill Lynch
La decisión de Buenos Aires también tendrá un impacto negativo en la calificación de la deuda soberana de la firma, señala.

Argentina: golpe de timón
Tras el anuncio de expropiación de YPF a Repsol, el gobierno de España amaga con represalias
La presidenta Cristina Fernández busca el autoabastecimiento de energéticos

Economist Intelligence Unit
Petróleo: ¿baja a la vista?

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