Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Robo, móvil del crimen de investigador veracruzano: Procuraduría

La red fundada por Zuckerberg es un auténtico servicio de inteligencia
Facebook, el gran predador

Eduardo Febbro
Página 12

La empresa se sirve de cada huella dejada por los usuarios para hacer dinero con ellas. La asociación Internet sin Fronteras propone la creación de un e-sindicato con la meta de defender los derechos de quienes usan esa red virtual.

Double suicide underscores Greece’s deepening health crisis
By Robert Stevens
29 May 2012

The appalling suicide of a mother and son in Athens again underscores the social nightmare being visited on Greece by the troika—the European Union (EU), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The tragedy occurred May 24. The mother, aged 90, and her son, aged 60, leapt hand in hand from the roof of their apartment building in the capital shortly after 8 a.m.

 Green Veneer WWF Helps Industry More than Environment

By Jens Glüsing and Nils Klawitter
The WWF is the most powerful environmental organization in the world and campaigns internationally on issues such as saving tigers and rain forests. But a closer look at its work leads to a sobering conclusion: Many of its activities benefit industry more than the environment or endangered species.

 Chasing the Sun German and Chinese Solar Firms Battle for Survival

By Wiebke Hollersen
Germany was proud of its supposedly future-proof solar industry and subsidized it to the hilt. But then the Chinese got in on the act and started making much cheaper solar cells. Now, following a glut in production, companies in both countries are fighting for survival.
Michael Zhu gazes at the watch he's placed in front of him on the glass table in his office. He'll have to get a move on. He has to walk over to the factory and continue to work on forcing the Germans out of the very market they've created.

Zhu is the vice president of Suntech Power, which has an annual output of 10 million solar panels. No company in the world makes more than his, and no country in the world buys more than Germany.

Energy key topic during Putin's visit to China
By Zhou Wa (China Daily)
08:11, May 30, 2012

In the spirit of China and Russia taking risks and profits together, China maintains a positive attitude toward natural gas negotiations between the two countries, the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping said on Tuesday.

Energy cooperation will be a key topic for Russian president Vladimir Putin during his visit to China from June 5 to 7, the minister said.


Why is Washington so scared of Confucius?
(Global Times)
08:29, May 25, 2012

According to a new US State Department directive last week, Confucius Institutes in the US must obtain American accreditation. The directive also says that some academics at these institutes who are holding J-1 visas will not get their visas extended, which means they will have to leave the US. If the directive comes into force, Confucius Institutes and Schools in the US will face a lot of trouble. The US obviously wants this.

Confucius Institutes have expanded their global presence in recent years. There are now 691 Confucius Institutes and Schools, 69 of which are in the US. Their rapid development can be partly attributed to China's active promotion, but the decisive factor is the great demand for learning Chinese.

As Washington struggles, US downgrade is likely
10:56, July 27, 2011

Could the US lose its top credit rating even if a deal is reached to raise the debt limit?

Market analysts and investors increasingly say yes. The outcome won't be quite as scary as a default, but financial markets would still take a blow. Mortgage rates could rise. States and cities, already strapped, could find it more difficult to borrow. Stocks could lose their gains for the year.

"At this point, we're more concerned about the risk of a downgrade than a default," said Terry Belton, global head of fixed income strategy at JPMorgan Chase. In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, Belton said the loss of the country's AAA rating may rattle markets, but it's "better than missing an interest payment."

La restauración del antiguo régimen que parecía inevitable hasta hace unos días requería mantener la complicidad entre imperios mediáticos, dueños del dinero y sus empleados políticos. Sostenerse como encomenderos de la conciencia pública y permitirse inclusive humillar a los partidos por la imposición de candidatos impresentables que compran curules como títulos de nobleza.

Ocurrió lo inesperado, apareció en escena un actor que no estaba invitado: la protesta juvenil, cuya importancia potencial era evidente pero ignorada. Los estudiantes interrogaban en las universidades: ¿cuál es nuestro papel en la elección? ¿Catorce millones de jóvenes podemos cambiar el país el 1 de julio? Nunca tuvimos respuesta suficiente. Imposible aconsejarles incorporación a los partidos políticos: sólo quedaba explicar las opciones históricas que están en juego y llamar a la movilización de las conciencias.

Solía decirse: precipitemos como en 1988 la ruptura social. Las plazas, las calles y ahora las redes sociales son los verdaderos escenarios de la transición política. Los procesos electorales sólo las culminan y frecuentemente las traicionan. Todo cambio histórico se resume en la inclusión de los excluidos, pero adquiere un sentido de reinvención cuando el salto es generacional.


Obama Oversees "Kill List" of Targets in Secret Drone War

The New York Times is reporting President Obama personally oversees a "kill list" containing the names and photos of individuals targeted for assassination in the secret U.S. drone war. According to the Times, Obama signs off on every targeted killing in Yemen and Somalia and the more complex or risky strikes in Pakistan. National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon said, "He is determined that he will make these decisions about how far and wide these operations will go." Obama is also said to personally approve every addition to the expanding "kill list." Individuals on the list include U.S. citizens, as well teenage girls as young as 17 years old. The Times quotes former White House Chief of Staff William Daley about Obama’s decision to assassinate Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen, in Yemen. According to Daley, Obama called the decision to strike the U.S.-born cleric "an easy one." Since April, the United States has carried out at least 14 drone strikes in Yemen and six in Pakistan. Over the weekend, a U.S. drone strike in Yemen killed at least five people.
U.S. Plan to Arm Italy’s Drone Fleet Faces Criticism

The Wall Street Journal reports the Obama administration plans to arm Italy’s fleet of Reaper drone aircraft, a move that could open the door for sales of advanced hunter-killer drone technology to other allies. The sale will make Italy the first foreign country besides Britain to fly U.S. drones armed with missiles and laser-guided bombs. Critics of the proposed sale include the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, who said, "I am concerned by the proliferation of these weapons systems and don’t think we should be selling them."
Pressure Mounting on Syria After 108 Killed in Houla Massacre

International pressure is mounting on the Syrian government following a massacre in the town of Houla that killed at least 108 people, almost half of them children. U.N. observers attributed the massacre at least partly to the Syrian army and pro-government militias, but the Syrian government blamed Islamist militants. Earlier today, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met U.N. envoy Kofi Annan. On Monday, Annan said Syria must take bold steps to implement the U.N. peace plan.

    Kofi Annan: "I urge the government to take bold steps to signal that it is serious in its intention to resolve this crisis peacefully and for everyone involved to help create the right context for a credible political process. And this message of peace is not only for the government, but for everyone, every individual with a gun. The six-point plan must be implemented comprehensively, and this is not happening to date."

On Sunday, the U.N. Security Council condemned the use of artillery and tanks in the Houla killings, but U.N. observers are now saying most of the dead were executed at close range. Meanwhile, U.S. General Martin Dempsey, the chair of the joint chiefs of staff, threatened military intervention in Syria during an interview on Fox.

    Martin Dempsey: "There is always a military option, but that military option should always be wielded carefully, because, one thing we’ve learned about war, I have learned personally about war, is that it has a dynamic all its own, it takes on a life all its own. And so, you’ll always find military leaders to be somewhat cautious about the use of force, because we’re never entirely sure what comes out on the other side. But that said, it may come to a point with Syria because of the atrocities."

Syrian Filmmaker Who Appeared on Democracy Now! Killed in Homs

In news from Syria, reports have emerged that the young Syrian filmmaker Bassel Shahade was killed on Monday in the city of Homs. Bassel appeared on Democracy Now! in December. At the time, he asked to only be identified by his first name for security reasons. He described the fighting in Homs.

    Bassel Shahade: "The violence in the city of Homs is like — what I saw the last week I was there ... like, it’s threatening to turn into like almost a civil war. A heavy crackdown on the city, punishing the rising area and killing the civilians, is forcing the locals to form like an armed resistance to the regime’s forces. And they are supported by army deserters. So the fight is between the locals and the security forces and the supporters of the regime. The rising areas are besieged by the regime forces."

Democracy Now! staff first met Bassel Shahade at Syracuse University. He was a Fulbright scholar there studying filmmaking. Again, Bassel Shahade, the young Syrian filmmaker, went back to Syria, was killed in Homs.
Air Strikes Kill 8 Family Members, Alleged Al-Qaeda Leader in Afghanistan

In news from Afghanistan, NATO officials say a coalition air strike has killed a Saudi man who is being described as al-Qaeda’s second in command in Afghanistan. Sakhr al-Taifi reportedly oversaw the transport of militants into Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Afghan authorities say at least eight family members, including six children, have been killed in a NATO air strike in the eastern province of Paktia. In other news from Afghanistan, 160 girls have been hospitalized after they were poisoned in their classrooms. A similar attack last week sent 120 girls and three teachers to a hospital. Afghan officials blamed the attacks on radicals opposed to the education of women and girls.
Bahraini Activist Alkhawaja Ends Hunger Strike; 2nd Activist Released

Imprisoned Bahraini human rights activist Abdulhadi Alkhawaja ended his hunger strike Monday after not eating for 110 days. His lawyer said the hunger strike successfully helped shed light on the plight of political prisoners in Bahrain. While Alkhawaja remains locked up, his colleague Nabeel Rajab was released on bail after being held for nearly a month. Rajab, the president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, still faces a travel ban and criminal charges for allegedly "inciting" protests and "defaming" security forces. Rajab vowed to keep fighting for democracy in Bahrain.

    Nabeel Rajab: "I’m going to continue my struggle no matter how much they’re going to cost me, no matter how many days they’re going to put me or how many months or how many years. I believe that’s the cost of the struggle, that’s the cost of the freedom that we are fighting for, and I’m willing to pay that cost."

Turkish Court Indicts Israeli Military Leaders for Gaza Aid Flotilla Killings

A Turkish court has approved an indictment seeking multiple life sentences for four former Israeli military commanders over their alleged involvement in the 2010 killing of nine Turks on the Gaza-bound aid ship, the Mavi Marmara. The indictments name Israel’s former military chief, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, as well as the former heads of Israel’s navy, air force intelligence and military intelligence. Wednesday marks the second anniversary of the deadly Israeli raid.
Obama Administration Asks Judge to Undo Order Against NDAA Indefinite Detention

The Obama administration has asked a federal judge to reverse her order barring enforcement of part of the National Defense Authorization Act that permits indefinite military detention. Earlier this month, Judge Katherine Forrest struck down part of the NDAA that allows the government to indefinitely detain anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world without charge or trial, including U.S. citizens. The judge’s ruling came in a lawsuit filed by a group of journalists, scholars and political activists including Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky.
Romney Expected to Clinch GOP Nomination with Texas Win; Obama Campaign Slams Romney’s Bain Record

In campaign news, Mitt Romney is expected to unofficially clinch the Republican presidential nomination today with a win in the Republican primary in Texas. Meanwhile, the Obama campaign continues to criticize Romney over his record at the private equity firm Bain Capital. Obama’s senior campaign adviser Robert Gibbs appeared on Face the Nation Sunday.

    Robert Gibbs: "What Bain Capital never did was focus on job creation. That’s not what Bain Capital does. It loads up companies with debt. It takes money out of those companies and pays those investors. It’s not about job creation. And that’s what Mitt Romney is running on."

Radiation from Japan’s Fukushima Disaster Found in California Tuna

Researchers have found radioactive bluefin tuna off the coast of California that were contaminated by last year’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster in Japan. The discovery marks the first time radiation from the disaster has been found in fish that migrated into California waters. Researchers say the levels of radioactive cesium in the tuna are 10 times higher than normal, but they said the amounts are still below levels considered unsafe for humans. The ocean off Japan was contaminated last year after thousands of tons of seawater were used to cool reactors in an attempt to prevent a total nuclear meltdown following an earthquake and tsunami.
New Orleans Women’s Activist Group Hit by Apparent Arson Attack

The headquarters of a New Orleans group that advocates for poor women of color and transgender people has been heavily damaged in an apparent arson attack. The group, Women With a Vision, provides advocacy, health education and support to marginalized women. A room containing materials used for sexual health education was targeted in the attack, according to one report. The group’s executive director, Deon Haywood, said she believes the attack was intentional, but that it would not stop them from helping those without a voice.
Minnesota Church Known for Support of Social Justice Destroyed by Fire

A church in Minneapolis known for supporting LGBT rights and other social justice issues has burned to the ground. The century-old Walker Community United Methodist Church was home to progressive groups including Communities United Against Police Brutality, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee and the Welfare Rights Committee. The church welcomed LGBT people and approved a statement last year embracing same-sex marriage. The cause of the fire remains unknown, but one official said it may have been sparked by lightning. The church building was also the birthplace of KFAI Community Radio and the station’s first home.
DOJ Probes Reports of Rampant Sexual Abuse by Guards at Alabama Women’s Prison

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating allegations of widespread sexual abuse by male guards at a women’s prison in Alabama. The probe comes after the legal aid group Equal Justice Initiative filed a complaint based on interviews with more than 50 women. The group found sexual assault and harassment had become a way of life for women prisoners who were routinely punished and often placed in segregation if they reported the abuse. One former inmate said male guards had unrestricted access to showers and would follow women to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Peru Gov’t Declares State of Emergency over Anti-Mining Protests

In Peru, the government has declared a "state of emergency" in the highland province of Espinar, saying two people were killed and dozens of police officers injured in anti-mining protests. Protesters have halted production at a copper mine owned by a Swiss-based company, Xstrata plc, saying the mine is contaminating local water supplies. The 30-day "state of emergency" places the military in charge and allows for the suspension of civil liberties.
Protester Interrupts Murdoch Hearing, Calls Tony Blair a "War Criminal"

In news from Britain, an antiwar activist disrupted former prime minister Tony Blair’s testimony Monday before the judicial inquiry investigating the Rupert Murdoch spying scandal. The activist, David Lawley Wakelin, was removed from the proceedings after he called Blair a war criminal.

    David Lawley Wakelin: "This man should be arrested for war crimes. JPMorgan paid him off for the Iraq war three months after he invaded Iraq. He held up the Iraq Bank for 20 billion. He was then paid $6 million every year, and still is, from JPMorgan, six months after he left office. The man is a war criminal."

In Far Northwest, a New Border Focus on Latinos

FORKS, Wash. — The Olympic Peninsula has always felt more like the edge of the world than a mere national boundary.

Its ocean shoreline, the northwesternmost coast of the contiguous United States, is accessible by a single road, Highway 101, and it has long been traveled by a distinctive fleet: loud logging trucks rumbling out of the dark and wet woods, rusty pickups with windows pronouncing “Native Pride,” stray Subarus hauling surfboards and kayaks to the cold Pacific.

Then the United States Border Patrol vehicles started showing up.

Sometimes they respond unexpectedly to assist with mundane traffic stops conducted by the local police. Sometimes they hover outside the warehouse where Mexican immigrants sell the salal they pick in the temperate rain forest. Sometimes they confront people whose primary offense, many argue, is skin tone.

Leading article: Egypt's elections leave its divisions unresolved
The results of the first round of Egypt's presidential election are at once hugely positive, and hugely negative.

They are hugely positive because they show that by far the biggest of the Arab Spring countries has more or less successfully embraced the democratic process. Some 16 months after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, Egypt has elected a lower house of parliament and looks set to elect a President.

Tensa a España el rescate de Bankia; cayó 2.17% la bolsa
Afp, Dpa y Reuters

Periódico La Jornada
Martes 29 de mayo de 2012, p. 30

Madrid, 28 de mayo. El pedido de rescate de Bankia colocó a España en momentos de extrema tensión este lunes en los mercados, cuando la prima de riesgo cerró por encima de los 500 puntos –hecho que ocurre en el país por primera vez desde la creación del euro–, nivel considerado crítico y que aviva el temor de un rescate de la cuarta economía europea.

El interés que paga ahora el bono español a diez años frente al alemán cerró en 6.47 por ciento, acercándose a los niveles que pagaban Grecia, Irlanda y Portugal cuando fueron recatados.

¿La realidad es la encuesta?
Javier Flores
"La realidad no es la realidad, la realidad es la encuesta." Parece un juego de palabras, pero esa es la lógica a la que responden algunas de las personas que analizan el actual proceso electoral en nuestro país. Con valiosas excepciones, comunicadores e intelectuales ocultan trabajosamente lo que ya es inocultable, niegan lo que es innegable. Para ellos, los movimientos sociales para ellos no importan –lo que resulta particularmente grave en el caso de las ciencias sociales–; lo único importante son las cifras que arrojan los sondeos que realizan las casas encuestadoras. Éstas son imperturbables. No importan los errores de un candidato que a cada paso exhibe sus limitaciones. Tampoco el surgimiento de un movimiento de jóvenes que lo repudia. Ni las constantes casos de corrupción en los que están involucrados sus correligionarios. Las encuestas no se mueven. Son como las tripas del animal destazado que permiten afirmar a nuestros modernos Arúspices: "El candidato que encabeza los sondeos será el próximo presidente de México".

A última hora
Pedro Miguel
De último minuto, entre las cajas de cartón y los rollos de cinta canela de la mudanza próxima, el régimen de Felipe Calderón casi reprocha al país que no se fije en él, así sea para hacerle una manifestación de protesta, y lanza una cacería de gente importante. Un general divisionario y un ex gobernador priísta son las piezas más prominentes de esta cacería de última hora, una cosecha de sospechosos que buscaría coronar la siembra de balas, cadáveres y combates por medio territorio nacional. Se trata de un "ahora sí" casi póstumo después de un sexenio de exterminio de peces muy menores y de una procuración facciosa para sacar fotos de peces medianos tras unas rejas endebles y sumamente provisionales, es decir, escenográficas. Y no se trata únicamente del infame michoacanazo ni de la faramalla contra Hank Rhon, sino de decenas de miles de "presentados" –la mayoría– que ni siquiera tuvieron que esperar una sentencia absolutoria.

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