Thursday, May 31, 2012


Headlines May 31, 2012
Fighting Erupts in Hunger-Stricken Yemen

New fighting has erupted in Yemen as part of a government offensive on al-Qaeda militants in the country’s south. Seven people were killed earlier today when fighters attacked a town held by government troops. The clashes came hours after some 20 fighters and seven soldiers exchanged fire on the outskirts of Jaar. The ongoing fighting in Yemen comes amidst a major food crisis, with some five million people undernourished and 300,000 children facing life-threatening malnutrition.
Syrian Rebels Give Assad Deadline to End Violence

Syrian rebels have issued a 48-hour deadline for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad to comply with an international peace plan or face renewed fighting. The Free Syrian Army says it will give Assad’s forces until early Friday morning to adhere to the agreement brokered by international envoy Kofi Annan. Speaking in Turkey, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Syria is at risk of a full-scale civil war.

    Ban Ki-moon: "The joint special envoy, Mr. Kofi Annan, has expressed his concerns that we may have reached a tipping point in Syria, that the massacre of civilians of the sort seen last weekend could plunge Syria into a catastrophic civil war, a civil war from which the country would never recover. I demand that the government of Syria act on its commitment under the Annan peace plan."

U.S. Envoy Warns Syria of "Actions Outside" the United Nations

In the latest violence reported in Syria, U.N. observers say 13 bodies have been discovered in an eastern area with their hands tied behind their backs. Syrian forces continue to bomb the rebel-held area of Homs. At the United Nations, U.S. envoy Susan Rice said Syria faces unspecified consequences should it continue to flout the Annan peace plan.

    Susan Rice: "Members of this council and members of the international community are left with the option only of having to consider whether they’re prepared to take actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of this council. That scenario obviously is the one we all have sought to avoid through support for the Annan plan. The decision rests in the first instance with the Syrian government."

More Syrian Diplomats Expelled After Houla Massacre

The Assad regime has faced growing international pressure following the massacre of more than 100 people in Houla last week. On Wednesday, Turkey became the latest country to expel a Syrian diplomat, joining with 12 others. Also speaking at the United Nations, Syrian envoy Bashar Ja’afari denied government responsibility for the killings in Houla.
Iraq Bombings Kill 13, Wound Dozens

In Iraq, at least 13 people have died in a series of bombings in Baghdad. The deadliest attack occurred when a parked car exploded outside of a crowded restaurant, killing 10 people and wounding 25 others.
Civilian Deaths Drop in Afghanistan for 1st Time in 5 Years

New figures show civilian deaths in Afghanistan are showing at least a temporary decline for the first time in five years. According to the United Nations, killings of civilians dropped 21 percent in the first four months of the year. Last year was the deadliest on record for civilians in the more than decade-long Afghan war.
Pakistani Doctor Sentenced for Ties to Warlord

Reports have emerged a Pakistani doctor sentenced to 33 years in prison after helping to track down Osama bin Laden was actually convicted of colluding with an Islamist warlord — not of aiding the CIA. The news comes after U.S. lawmakers voted to cut $33 million in aid to Pakistan in response to Shakil Afridi’s sentence. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also condemned his conviction. Afridi had worked with the CIA to set up a fake vaccination program to help locate bin Laden. But a Pakistani court reportedly declined to examine Afridi’s CIA ties, instead focusing on his connection to a warlord whose fighters are battling the Pakistan army.
Hundreds of Tibetans Detained Protesting Chinese Rule

Hundreds of Tibetans have reportedly been detained opposing Chinese rule in Tibet’s capital of Lhasa. The protests broke out after two people set themselves on fire in protest of China earlier this week. It was said to be the first major act of protest against Chinese control in four years.
Florida Governor Advances Purge of Voter Rolls

In election news, Florida Gov. Rick Scott is moving forward with a plan to purge thousands of people from the voting rolls in a state that could be a key battleground in the November election. While the move is ostensibly aimed at cracking down on non-citizens, critics say the process has relied on outdated information and swept up hundreds of eligible citizen voters. Already, citizens have begun receiving letters identifying them as possible non-citizens and requiring them to provide proof of citizenship in order to vote. An analysis by the Miami Herald found Hispanic, Democratic and independent-minded voters are most likely to be targeted in the purge.
Holder: Civil Rights Gains "Hang in the Balance" in Voting Struggle

The news of the Florida voter purge follows a wave of voter ID laws that have passed in multiple states as part of what some see as a bid to disenfranchise Democratic voters ahead of the election. On Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder discussed the attack on voting rights in an address to African-American lawmakers and church leaders in Washington.

    Eric Holder: "Despite our nation’s long tradition of extending voting rights to non-property owners and to women, to people of color, to Native Americans, and to younger Americans, today a growing number of our fellow citizens are worried about the same disparities, divisions and problems that nearly five decades ago so many fought to address. In my travels across this country, I’ve heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens who, often for the first time in their lives, now have reason to believe that we are failing to live up to one of our nation’s most noble ideals and that some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement now hang, again, in the balance.”

Study: Companies Contradict Pro-Climate Stances with Political Donations

A new analysis has found most major companies that have publicly expressed concern about climate change have privately contradicted that stance by donating money to candidates opposed to environmentally friendly policies. The Union of Concerned Scientists found half of the 28 companies studied had misrepresented climate science in their public communications, despite taking public stances against global warming. Less than a third of the companies supported science-based climate policy through their donations, while the rest supported candidates opposed to such policies.
Couples Challenge Illinois Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

Nine couples in Illinois have filed suit to challenge the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. The lawsuit was filed one year to the day after Illinois enacted civil unions for same-sex couples, but continued to deprive them of the full recognitions and protections of marriage.
White House Apologizes for Polish Death Camp Remark

The White House has apologized to Poland over language used by President Obama in honoring Polish resistance fighter Jan Karski earlier this week. Obama referred to a "Polish death camp" without noting Poland was occupied by Nazi Germany. On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Obama misspoke.

    Jay Carney: "The President misspoke. He was referring to Nazi death camps in German-occupied Poland. And as we made clear, we regret the misstatement, and that simple misstatement should not at all detract from the clear intention to honor Mr. Karski and, beyond that, all those brave Polish citizens who stood on the side of human dignity in the face of tyranny."

Jan Karski, the Polish diplomat, visited the Warsaw Ghetto and got word out, came to the United States, visited U.S. officials, including the Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter, to talk about what he saw.
Thousands of Canadians Hold "Casserole" March in Solidarity with Quebec Protests

Thousands of people marched in cities across Canada Wednesday night in an act of solidarity with the Quebec student protests. Demonstrators banged pots and pans as they walked through the streets in a nod to the so-called "casserole" protests that have erupted in Quebec since the provincial government imposed an emergency law barring unauthorized demonstrations.
Illinois Legislator Gives Angry Tirade on Assembly Floor

Video of an Illinois Republican legislator launching an angry tirade on the floor of the Illinois General Assembly is making the rounds on the internet. The lawmaker, Mike Bost, exploded in a speech denouncing what he called the excessive power of House leader Mike Madigan, a Democrat.

    Mike Bost: "Again, total power in one person’s hands — not the American way! These damn bills that come out here all the damn time, come out here at the last second, and I’ve got to try to figure out how to vote for my people! How ashamed of — or you should be! You should be ashamed of yourselves! I’m sick of it! Every year! We give power to one person! It was not made that way in the Constitution! He was around when it was written! Now we give him — we passed rules that stop each one of us! Enough! I feel like somebody trying to be released from Egypt! Let my people go!"

Indicador Político

Carlos Ramírez
Indicador Político
* Iglesia y Yunque a PRI con Espino
* Caballo de Troya, horizonte de atrás
De todas las incorporaciones de los extremos ideológicos al PRI, la que está causando estragos al interior del partido es la de Manuel Espino Barrientos, justo cuando priístas históricos tratan de regresar al tricolor a la vanguardia laica.
Y si bien es cierto que Espino tuvo que abjurar de sus ideas religiosas con tal de subirse al furgón de cola del PRI y alcanzar alguna chamba en el próximo gobierno, de todos modos dentro del partido hay desconfianza por lo que significa el papel de Espino en el Yunque, una organización de ultraderecha y religiosa que opera como sociedad secreta para tomar el poder, además de que Espino sigue representando las ideas de la democracia cristiana totalmente contrarias al papel del PRI en la Internacional Socialista.

‘Ilegal y manipulado, audio filtrado a El Universal’: Costa Bonino
Armando Gutiérrez
31 de mayo de 2012 · Sin comentarios
Comicios 2012
MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- El estratega electoral, Luis Costa Bonino, uno de los principales implicados en el charolagate, afirmó que el audio filtrado a El Universal fue “manipulado” y que su difusión tiene relación directa con el avance del tabasqueño en las encuestas.

A través de su cuenta en Twitter @luicostabonino, el uruguayo, quien cuenta con un doctorado en Ciencias Políticas del Instituto de Estudios Políticos de la Universidad de París, considerado el centro educativo de mayor prestigio en toda Europa en el área política, escribió:

“Ahora entiendo el porqué del audio clandestino, ilegal, editado, manipulado, cortado y pegado, junta palabras, armado de frases AMLO a 4”.

Lleva edecán del IFE su escote y vestido a portada de revista
La Redacción
31 de mayo de 2012 · 16 Comentarios
Comicios 2012
MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- A pesar de que sólo apareció unos segundos en el debate presidencial con su atrevido escote y entallado vestido blanco, Julia Orayen generó revuelo y controversia en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales, a lo cual ha sabido sacarle provecho.

Después de ese momento la vida de la argentina cambió por completo, pues empezó a ser solicitada para entrevistas en diversos medios, fue objeto de múltiples comentarios en las redes sociales y varias revistas le hicieron propuestas para que adornara sus páginas.

Candidato del PRI ameniza con ‘strippers’ acto de campaña en Durango
DURANGO, Dgo. (apro).- Usuarios de Twitter difundieron una serie de fotografías de strippers (desnudistas) bailando frente a mujeres en un acto proselitista del Partido Revolucionario Institucional en esta ciudad.

En las imágenes aparecen emblemas del PRI e indicativos de la campaña del candidato presidencial, Enrique Peña Nieto, y del aspirante a diputado federal por el distrito 04 de esta capital, Jorge Herrera Delgado.

Alemanha e China: da simbiose à competição conflitiva
A dependência do modelo alemão em relação à economia chinesa é um ponto pouco explorado quando se fala do crescimento da Alemanha. “O futuro aponta para o aprofundamento dessa competição. Neste contexto, é difícil saber se a atual simbiose entre ambas as economias vai durar. Está claro que, na medida em que a China se converta em uma crescente competidora para os produtos alemães, a relação se tornará mais conflitiva”, disse Jonas Parello-Plesner à Carta Maior.

Marcelo Justo, de Londres

Londres - Trata-se do motor da União Europeia (UE), do principal modelo financeiro da zona do euro, quarto PIB do mundo e o segundo exportador em nível mundial. O crescimento econômico da Alemanha em meio à crise europeia tem sido atribuído às reformas iniciadas pelo chanceler socialdemocrata Gerhard Schroder, em 2003, para flexibilizar o mercado de trabalho. Esta explicação tem dois pontos fracos. O primeiro é que ignora que essa flexibilização que se apregoa para a eurozona ocorreu no marco do modelo social de consenso entre sindicatos, empresários e o governo alemão que passou a subsidiar o emprego após o estouro da crise financeira de 2008. O outro ponto fraco, menos explorado, é a dependência do modelo alemão em relação à economia chinesa.

Para Cúpula dos Povos, rascunho da Rio + 20 explicita teor neoliberal
Em uma ação batizada Rio+Leaks, a Cúpula dos Povos, evento paralelo a Rio + 20 que acontecerá entre 15 e 23 de junho no Aterro do Flamengo, divulgou a mais recente versão do documento que servirá de base para as discussões da conferência das Nações Unidas sobre desenvolvimento sustentável, que será realizada de 13 a 22 de junho no Riocentro. Para Sérgio Ricardo, da Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental, texto é caminho para conferência "Rio menos 20".

Rodrigo Otávio

Rio de Janeiro - Em uma ação batizada Rio+Leaks, a Cúpula dos Povos, evento paralelo a Rio + 20 que acontecerá entre 15 e 23 de junho no Aterro do Flamengo, divulgou a mais recente versão do documento que servirá de base para as discussões da conferência das Nações Unidas sobre desenvolvimento sustentável, que será realizada de 13 a 22 de junho no Riocentro. O “rascunho zero” é distribuído apenas internamente na ONU e deve sofrer mais uma revisão até chegar ao Rio.

Bankia, o banco zumbi que é símbolo da crise bancária na Espanha
A crise do Bankia está marcando a crise bancária em Espanha, pelo seu peso, pela sua grave situação e pelo envolvimento de altos quadros do PP na direção da instituiçãoo banco. O seu presidente, que se demitiu no dia 7 de maio de 2012, era Rodrigo Rato, antigo ministro da Economia de Aznar e posteriormente diretor-geral do FMI, até 2007. O Bankia, parcialmente nacionalizado em 9 de maio de 2012, terá cerca de 32 bilhões de euros de ativos tóxicos no seu balanço.

Em janeiro de 2010, Rodrigo Rato chegou a presidente da Caja Madrid, substituindo Miguel Blesa, depois de uma longa crise e de uma acesa disputa entre o presidente da Câmara de Madrid e a presidente da comunidade autônoma pelo controle da Caja Madrid, todos membros do Partido Popular (PP). O presidente da Câmara de Madrid era então Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, atual ministro da Justiça do Governo de Espanha, apoiador de Miguel Blesa. A presidente da comunidade autônoma de Madrid era e é Esperanza Aguirre também ela do PP e que pretendia demitir Miguel Blesa e deter o controle da Caja Madrid. A saída negociada deste diferendo, apoiada por Mariano Rajoy com o aval do presidente do Banco de Espanha e do governo do PSOE presidido por José Luis Zapataero, foi entregar a presidência da Caja Madrid a Rodrigo Rato.

Russia contributing to potential Syria civil war - US

The US Secretary of State says Russia's policy toward Syria will contribute to a potential civil war.

Hillary Clinton's comments came after Russia and China renewed opposition to tougher UN Security Council action.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has repeated a warning that Syria could be moving towards "catastrophic" civil war, in the wake of the Houla massacre.

Rebel commanders are split on whether to abandon a ceasefire if Syrian forces do not withdraw to barracks.

Colonel Qassim Saadeddine of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Homs said that if there was no government response by Friday lunchtime, the FSA would consider itself "no longer bound" by the plan.

Record low turnout predicted in Irish treaty vote

Pro-Europeans predict narrow victory in vote on EU fiscal treaty despite fears the low turnout could have favoured rivals
    Henry McDonald in Dublin, Thursday 31 May 2012 19.39 BST
The fate of 27 European states and the single currency lies in the hands of less than half the Irish electorate after what appears to have been a historically low turnout in Ireland's referendum on the EU fiscal treaty.

After polling stations closed at 10pm, turnout in Dublin was estimated at 38%, but some of the north-western counties averaged as low as 20%. In the Cork area turnout was also described as slow through the day, but it picked up to more than 30% in the evening. The overall turnout is estimated to be close to 50% – one of the lowest in Irish history.

Occupy Bilderberg faces off with secretive gathering

Published: 1 June, 2012, 00:32
Edited: 1 June, 2012, 00:32
Around 150 of the world’s elite approached the grounds of a suburban Virginia hotel on Thursday for the first day of the 2012 Bilderberg Conference, but also on hand were throngs of protesters who gathered to opposed the top-secret gathering.

Journalists and critics of the annual clandestine conference stationed themselves outside of a Chantilly, Virginia Marriott hotel near Washington, DC early Thursday to catch a glimpse of the government officials, entrepreneurs and other assorted members of the privileged elite who had gathered for this year’s event.

Plan X: Pentagon's blueprint for full-fledged cyberwar

Published: 31 May, 2012, 21:24
Edited: 31 May, 2012, 21:24
The wheels of the war machine are ever turning inside the Pentagon, but the Defense Department’s latest endeavor won’t involve fighter jets and armored tanks. The DoD is putting aside billions to enhance its cyberwar capabilities.

The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is turning towards the private sector and America’s next generation of computer wiz-kids to recruit forces for its next war. A report released Thursday by the Washington Post reveals that DARPA is looking to invest $1.54 billion during the next five years to up its online abilities, with $110 million going directly to a program dubbed Plan X, but unlike before it won’t be budgeted necessarily for thwarting acts of cyberterrorism. Instead the Pentagon is itching to ensure that America can carry out an offensive cyberwar on other nations rather than just readying the US to defend itself against a similar assault from abroad.

More Genes Than Humans: The Tomato Decoded

The tomato, whose genome has just now been decoded, turns out to be one well-endowed vegetable, possessing 31,760 genes. This rich legacy, possibly a reflection of the disaster that killed off the dinosaurs, is some 7,000 more than that of a person, and presents a complex puzzle to scientists who hope to understand its secrets.

A consortium of plant geneticists from 14 countries has spent nine years decoding the tomato genome in the hope of breeding better ones. The scientists sequenced the genomes of both Heinz 1706, a variety used to make ketchup, and the tomato’s closest wild relative, Solanum pimpinellifolium, which lives in the highlands of Peru, where the tomato’s ancestors originated. Their results were published online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Expolio en los ancestrales bosques primarios en el norte de la Karelia rusa
Los ambientalistas denuncian que IKEA tala bosques vírgenes

Ida Karlsson

IKEA, gigante de la venta de muebles fundada en 1943 en Suecia, es duramente criticada porque su subsidiaria Swedwood tala ancestrales bosques primarios en el norte de la Karelia rusa.

La madera es, de lejos, la principal materia prima de los productos de IKEA. Aproximadamente 60 por ciento de los muebles almacenados en los 300 comercios que la muiltinacional posee en el mundo contienen madera.

Durante años, la compañía usó el eslogan "Amamos la madera", asegurando que solo utilizaba ese material si era obtenido de modo económico, social y ambientalmente sostenible.

Pero informes y estudios divulgados en los últimos tiempos demuestran que esto es un mito.

Más de 3.000 civiles inocentes fueron asesinados por la Fuerza Pública entre 2002 y 2008
Informe sobre los falsos positivos: La guerra se mide en litros de sangre
FIDH y Coordinación Colombia Europa Estados Unidos

¡Vaya!, BBC: ¿Foto de Iraq para ilustrar masacre de Houla?


Traducido para Rebelión por Germán Leyens
Mientras el choque de la tragedia de Houla resuena por todo el mundo, la BBC ha publicado una historia con una horrenda foto de filas y filas de cuerpos de niños a la espera de ser enterrados… ¿Pero no se trata de Iraq post Sadam?

El fotógrafo Marco di Lauro, quien tomó la imagen utilizada por la BBC, dice que casi “se cayó de su silla” después de encontrar la foto en el sitio en la web de la BBC con una leyenda que dice: “Foto de Activista. Se piensa que esta imagen –que no puede ser verificada independientemente– muestra cuerpos de niños en Houla a la espera del funeral.”

En realidad la foto fue tomada el 27 de marzo de 2003; muestra a un niño iraquí saltando por sobre docenas de bolsas blancas para cadáveres que contienen esqueletos encontrados en un desierto al sur de Bagdad. La imagen, publicada en el sitio en la web de Marco di Lauro, forma parte de su historia: “Iraq, las secuelas de Sadam”.

Marco di Lauro toma fotografías para la agencia fotográfica Getty Images; sus trabajos han sido publicados en toda Europa y EE.UU. Pero lo preocupa algo la indicación de que la BBC tomó su foto de Internet, no del repertorio oficial.

La contienda electoral y la irrupción de las clases medias

Adrián Sotelo V.

Mientras continúa el show mediático de la elección presidencial, los candidatos se dan hasta con la cubeta y se prodigan todo tipo de ataques, insultos e injurias con tal de arrancarle los tan codiciados y cotizados votos a la población. Obviamente sin faltar el rosario de promesas y de buenas intenciones que supuestamente habrán de cumplir y ejecutar una vez pasada la elección.

Una serie de acontecimientos se desplegaron en el entorno pos-debate del 6 de mayo. Desde los escándalos de corrupción de gobernadores identificados con los partidos políticos, como en el caso del PRD y del PRI, hasta la detención de generales del ejército presuntamente vinculados con el crimen organizado.

Por sus efectos mediáticos, más que por su efectividad, se dio la irrupción de sectores de las clases medias adineradas de escuelas particulares que se movilizan y manifiestan su apoyo explícito o implícito al candidato de las autonombradas "izquierdas" y articulan un movimiento antipriísta —que hasta ahora se define como "Yo soy 132" nacido en una universidad propiedad de jesuitas y que se ha extendido a otras más, incluyendo públicas como la UNAM, IPN, UAM—.

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