Friday, June 01, 2012


ODI growth rates set to increase sharply
By Ding Qingfen, Bao Chang and Li Xiang  (China Daily)
07:10, June 01, 2012

Outbound direct investment is set to soar in the coming years, with double-digit growth rates predicted, the Ministry of Commerce said.

"China's ODI is still in the initial stages, but the growth trend looks set to increase,'' said Chen Runyun, commercial counselor at the department of outward investment and economic cooperation at the ministry.

'Humanitarian intervention’may cause bigger disaster
By Tian Wenlin (People's Daily)
17:22, June 01, 2012

Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

Eight Western nations, including the United States and the United Kingdom, expelled Syrian diplomats Tuesday in response to a massacre of civilians in the Syrian town of Houla on May 25. The new French president even stated that he would not rule out international military intervention in Syria.

Western powers have long been intervening in other countries' domestic affairs under the banner of "preventing humanitarian catastrophes." The Houla massacre has undoubtedly offered them a perfect excuse to intervene in Syria’s domestic affairs. It is easy to imagine that they will impose harsher sanctions on the violence-riddled country, and may even launch military intervention.

Llegó el dólar a $14.50 en bancos; el BdeM inyectó 107 millones, segunda intervención en 9 días
Se devalúa el peso 10.3% en el mes, el nivel más bajo desde 2009

Insiste el titular de Hacienda en atribuir a factores externos el debilitamiento de la moneda

Son de gran magnitud y costo y no han arrojado ningún resultado, señala la legisladora
Construye Conagua hipopótamos blancos en materia hídrica: Alavez

El manejo del líquido se ha convertido en "botín y negocio" de unos cuantos, dice la perredista

En este sexenio ha invertido 44 mil millones sin impactar en el abasto, afirma

Reservan datos
Rocío González

Periódico La Jornada
Viernes 1º de junio de 2012, p. 39

El manejo del agua en el valle de México se ha convertido en "botín y negocio" de unos cuantos, pues, a pesar de la creciente escasez del líquido, desde la Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua) se han impulsado obras de gran magnitud y costo que no han tenido ningún resultado, afirmó Aleida Alavez, secretaria de la Comisión de Gobierno de la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal (ALDF).

Después de una reunión con expertos en materia hídrica de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa (UAMI), la asambleísta detalló que análisis de investigadores universitarios como Elena Bours, Pedro Moctezuma y Juan José Santibpáñez señalan que en el actual sexenio este organismo ha invertido alrededor de 44 mil millones de pesos en proyectos que son "hipopótamos blancos", porque no han tenido ningún impacto en mejorar o incrementar el suministro de agua.

One-third of elderly Americans die in medical debt
By Fred Mazelis
1 June 2012

A report on out-of-pocket spending for medical care in the last five years of life, presented at the American Geriatrics Society annual meeting in early May, illustrates the financial disaster facing millions of retirees and their families, even as the Republicans and Democrats squabble in Washington over how to impose even greater burdens on working people.

The report was prepared by a team led by Dr. Amy Kelley, of the Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Dr. Kelley’s paper was based on data taken from the national Health and Retirement Study, and relied on interviews with health care proxies of those who died between 2002-2008. The sample included 3,209 people who were at least 70 years old when they died, with the median age at death 84.3 years.

Larraín: Chile no está blindado ante la crisis global
Viernes, 01 de Junio de 2012 09:27 Colaboradores
“Estamos preparados pero no blindados frente a la crisis”, sostuvo el Ministro de Hacienda, Felipe Larraín, tras participar de una nueva reunión del Comité de Ministros para el seguimiento de la crisis internacional. .

Esta instancia fue conformada en diciembre de 2011 e integrada, además de Hacienda, por los titulares de las carteras de Interior, Presidencia, Gobierno, Economía, Obras Públicas, Trabajo, Desarrollo Social y Vivienda, reportó Radio Bío Bío.

Expertos: EE.UU. podría derrumbarse como la URSS
Lunes, 28 de Mayo de 2012 10:03 RT News
Estados Unidos podría derrumbarse como le pasó a la URSS, porque persigue políticas militares inútiles a expensas de la economía, afirman los expertos, que tachan este camino de arriesgado y destructivo.

La primera economía mundial sacrifica sus intereses económicos por el bien de la geopolítica y esta obsesión empieza a ser omnipresente, lo que pone en peligro su propia supervivencia, como ya le ocurrió a la Unión Soviética a finales de los años ochenta.

Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

WASHINGTON — From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program.

Mr. Obama decided to accelerate the attacks — begun in the Bush administration and code-named Olympic Games — even after an element of the program accidentally became public in the summer of 2010 because of a programming error that allowed it to escape Iran’s Natanz plant and sent it around the world on the Internet. Computer security experts who began studying the worm, which had been developed by the United States and Israel, gave it a name: Stuxnet.

The Secret Lives of Dangerous Hackers


Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency

By Parmy Olson

498 pages. Little, Brown & Company. $26.99.

Postscript Appended

In December 2010 the heat-seeking Internet pranksters known as Anonymous attacked PayPal, the online bill-paying business. PayPal had been a conduit for donations to WikiLeaks, the rogue whistle-blower site, until WikiLeaks released a huge cache of State Department internal messages. PayPal cut off donations to the WikiLeaks Web site. Then PayPal’s own site was shut down, as Anonymous did what it did best: exaggerate the weight of its own influence.

But, according to “We Are Anonymous,” by Parmy Olson, the London bureau chief for Forbes magazine, it had taken a single hacker and his botnet to close PayPal. “He then signed off and went to have his breakfast,” she writes.

Mary Dejevsky: It's no longer the Murdoch press in the dock, it's the politicians

Leveson is doing the sort of inquisitorial job that rightly belongs to Parliament

Mary Dejevsky
Friday, 1 June 2012

At the time, it must have seemed like such a good idea. With the country united in righteous indignation about the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone, and the gloss – that this was a criminal, nay heartless, act typical of a certain strand of the British press – the Prime Minister adopted a solemn mien and announced an inquiry.

But not only must it have seemed a good idea, in the sense of imposing the firm smack of Government and simultaneously feeling the public's pain, it must have seemed copper-bottomed safe. An inquiry might not actually do any good, but what possible harm could be done by a three-part inquiry into "the culture, practices and ethics of the press"? You can almost hear the wry laughter at the very mention of "ethics". Public money was earmarked, Lord Justice Leveson was appointed to preside, and the whole fandango swept into the Royal Courts of Justice with a speed quite extraordinary for anything initiated by government.

Sicilia y sus batallas están bien, pero debe ampliar sus demandas para que no parezcan simples quejas y lamentos

Pedro Echeverría V.

1. El Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad ha cumplido con un importante papel de protesta y de lucha contra el gobierno de Felipe Calderón, particularmente por ser éste el responsable de más de 60 mil muertos o asesinados durante sus seis años de gobierno. Pero ese movimiento ha calado más hondo porque al representar a varios cientos de padres, madres y familiares de las víctimas demuestra que no es un movimiento burocrático, de discurso o deshonesto, sino que está muy ligado a la realidad. La caminata ciudad de Cuernavaca-ciudad de México y las caravanas en autobús DF-Ciudad Juárez y luego DF-Frontera de Guatemala, me enseñaron la trascendencia de la lucha del MPJD, sobre todo la conciencia de las 500 personas, aproximadamente, que nos acompañamos en cada evento. En cada pueblo y ciudad los familiares de las víctimas manifestaron profundamente sus sentimientos y, por ello, recibimos siempre de la audiencia una gran solidaridad.

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