Thursday, June 07, 2012


El atribulado es consolado por su compañero;

Aun aquel que abandona

el temor del Omnipotente.

Job 6:14-15 (Casiodoro de Reina, 1569) 


He turned his attention to the drunk's companion. “Don't you ever come out here again,” he said to her. “I wouldn't let you in if you was accompanied by the President of the United States. That's one reason I turned this place into a club-so I keep pigs like you out, so I wouldn't have to serve good food to a-” And he called her what she obviously was.

There's worse things than that,” she said.

“Name one,” said Luby.

“I never killed anybody,” she said. “That's more than you can say.”

The accusation didn't bother Luby at all. “You want to talk to the chief of police about that?” he said. “You want to talk to the mayor? You want to talk to Judge Wampler about that? Murder's a very serious crime in this town.” He moved very close to her, looked her up and down. “So's being a loudmouth, and so's being a-” He called her what she was again.

“You made me sick,” he said.

And then he slapped her with all his might. He hit her so hard that she spun and crumpled without making a sound.

The drunk backed away from her, , from Luby, from Luby's thug. He did nothing to help her, only wanted to get away.

But Harve Elliot was out of his car and running at Luby before his wife could stop him.

Harvey hit Luby once in the belly, a belly, a belly that was as hard as a cast-iron boiler.

That satisfaction was the last thing Harver remembered-until he came to in his car. The car was going fast. Claire was driving.

Harve's clinging, aching head was lolling on the shoulder on his wife of fourteen years.


“Do you know Ed Luby?” said Harve.

“You mean do I know who he is?” said the voice. “Who doesn't? You mean is he a friend of mine? If he was, you think I'd be locked up down here? I'd be out at Ed's club, eating a two-inch steak on the house, and the cop who brought me in would have had his brains beat out.”

“Ed Luby's that important?” said Harve.

“Important?” said the voice. “Ed Luby? You never heard the story about the psychiatrist who went to Heaven?”

“What?” said Harve.

The voice told an old, old story-with a local variation. “This psychiatrist died and went to Heaven, see? And Saint Peter was tickled to death to see him. Seems God was having mental troubles, needed treatment bad. The psychiatrist asked Saint Peter what God's symptomns were. And Saint Peter whispered in his ear, 'God thinks He's Ed Luby.'”

VONNEGUT, K. Look at the birdie. Unpublished short stories Delacorte Press. New York, USA. First Edition. 2009.

Normalmente soy yo el primero que va al tálamo, pero esta noche es diferente. He permanecido en vela gracias al frappé que contrarrestó la depresión de mi sistema nervioso, lo cual no le ha permitido dormir a mi mujer en forma normal.

_ Is it finished? -she asks.

_ Yes, darling -I whisper rather embarrased.

_ Have you gone out of your mind? What are you expecting of those politicians? -she scolds me after 15 min of my grandiose hopes.

_ Not much, really. I wish they can finally create the necessary conditions for our development, and then it will be up to us to fulfill our potencials or find another excuse -el pasmo dura un par de segundos antes de que ella reinicie el ciclo de su ronca exhalación.

El sexenio se ha ido como exhalación pa' quienes somos afortunados de no tener referencia alguna entre las sixty thousand “casualties” of the War on Drugs. He caido en esa cuenta esta semana porque mi mujer me avisa, dado que solo me aparezco como cometa por allí, que tengo un mensaje en el muro de mi “feis”.

Six years ago

“¿Qué pasó, compañero? Se escabuye en plena “mexican spring”. ¿Dónde anda, pues?

No, estoy alejado de los reflectores pero no agazapado dentro las enaguas de mi mujer. That is why, having much more space here, me puedo extender lo que se me hinche en la explicación que le hice a mi former football pal. “Well, mate. You see, I'm alright, puestísimo pa' retratarme en la casilla que me tocó, la cual con toda la carga de simbolismo que a este 1 de julio le pueda caber, está localizada en la tercera sección de Tlatelolco. ¿Cómo la ve? En segundo lugar, también estoy listo pa'moverme y vigilar alguna de las más conflictivas de la ciudad o sus alrededores; porque, como ya lo has de saber, solo sacudiéndonos la pereza tempranito, y saliendo a las calles en imparable tsunami, y cuidando cada urna electoral podremos desactivar o, Dios no lo quiera, el fraude evidenciar. Y ya pa' acabar, y no se me acuse de conspiracy paranoid, ahí os dejo una liga pa' que la distribuya entre la banda a discreción.

Media docena de años después, con toda la experiencia electoral adquirida, deberían ser suficientes los millones que van a salir, votar y vigilar. Contrario a lo que afirma el BIFE, parece que no es así. De cualquier manera, nosotros con nuestro deber ciudadano vamos a cumplir. Hace seis años, el primer voto de calidad se registró en El Caribe, y de muy poco sirvió. Ayer se reafirmó el guiño anglosajón, en principio solo iba a leer las headlines y los subtítulos, pero un misterioso imán me arrastró al cuerpo del notición, solo para toparme con que se recalca la mención al incómodo ex gobernador. Nevertheless,con cualquier finta no me voy yo, por lo que me mantengo en mis cabales, ya que I have seen it all before: 1994, año de vértigo, mas que parteaguas en realidad; 2000: el jacko evidencia again, un genial compló tamaulipeco para recaudar fondo$ pa' la campaña blanquiazul; 2006, la suicide blonde recibe un paquetito que ventanea al incompetente brother in law. ¿Conclusión? If we were talking of any other respected country, that would be enough para redirigirnos a la transparencia de la victoria en la elección; but not here, no, señor. Es por eso que habremos de brotar como plaga el día de la votación, para mostrar que la organización construida durante todo este tiempo sí sirvió, y está decidida a empujar la verdadera transformación. Los acontecimientos que hayan de suceder a partir del 2 de diciembre, no están en su totalidad bajo mi control, pero seguramente, como piedrita en el zapato, exigiendo el cumplimiento mínimo del sueño, ahí estaré yo.


Use of force to solve Iran issue unacceptable: SCO
(China Daily)
08:11, June 08, 2012

BEIJING - Any attempts to resolve the Iranian issue by force are unacceptable, said the heads of state of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Thursday.

Such attempts will produce unpredictable and serious consequences threatening stability and security of the region and even the world, said the leaders in the Declaration on Building a Region with Lasting Peace and Common Prosperity.

US post-Assad Syria plan: Intervention in the cards?

Published: 7 June, 2012, 14:23
Edited: 7 June, 2012, 14:34
Hillary Clinton has put forward a new plan to remove Syrian president Bashar al-Assad from power. Echoing recent US threats to take action on Syria independently of the UN, the plan’s announcement coincides with yet another tragic massacre.

As the violence in Syria worsens, Washington has been ramping up threats to intervene without UN approval in the absence of international consensus. US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, speaking to reporters after the Houla massacre, bluntly called on the UN Security Council to “assume its responsibilities”, saying that if the violence continues, “then members of this council and members of the international community are left with the option only of having to consider whether they’re prepared to take actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of this council.”

Jueves 7 de Junio de 2012, 06:28 pm
Kofi Annan advierte que se acerca una guerra civil en Siria
El enviado especial de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) para mediar en el conflicto sirio aseguró que la extrema violencia entre las autoridades gubernamentales y los grupos armados de la oposición siria está conllevando a una guerra civil en ese país árabe. También dijo que en caso de que eso sucediera, el Consejo de Seguridad trataría de “evitar” que la situación se propagase a naciones vecinas.

Computer files link TV dirty tricks to favourite for Mexico presidency

Network alleged to have sold favourable election coverage to top politicians

    Jo Tuckman in Mexico City, Thursday 7 June 2012 21.07 BST  

Mexico's biggest television network sold prominent politicians favourable coverage in its flagship news and entertainment shows and used the same programmes to smear a popular leftwing leader, documents seen by the Guardian appear to show.

The documents – which consist of dozens of computer files – emerge just weeks ahead of presidential elections on 1 July, and coincide with the appearance of an energetic protest movement accusing the Televisa network of manipulating its coverage to favour the leading candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto.

14/11/2002 | México: Campaña imperialista anti-estados nacionales

Lilia Cisneros Luján

Desde que el mundo globalizado empezó a privilegiar la economía por encima del derecho, los pueblos han tenido que soportar cualquier cantidad de aberraciones que a final de cuentas vulneran, sus más elementales prerrogativas.

Pongamos como ejemplo inicial, las cláusulas contenidas en todas las bases de licitación de obra, servicios o adquisiciones, que manejan las dependencias y entidades de la administración pública en México, en las que a partir de un Convenio de Colaboración con el propósito de realizar pactos de integridad, se impone a todos los licitantes la obligación de otorgar un donativo voluntario a la asociación civil denominada Transparencia Mexicana (TM.A.C.), con lo cual un acuerdo entre dos partes pretende tener más fuerza que la Ley. En términos estrictamente jurídicos y antes de esta aberración conceptual que contiene en sí misma otras muchas desviaciones, el ciudadano que concursaba en estos procesos, podía inconformarse contra el fallo de la licitación ante las instancias legítimamente establecidas para –entre otras cosas- pedir la devolución del monto erogado por las bases o incluso solicitar la reposición del proceso de lictación; hoy con esta invención meta jurídica, ¿ante quien se puede solicitar la devolución de un donativo entregado voluntariamente a una instancia privada?

Un esclarecimiento honesto

(Tomado de CubaDebate)

Hace unos días, el 28 de mayo, se conmemoró con merecidas referencias el violento Combate del Uvero. Un deber elemental me obliga a esclarecer los hechos.

Por aquellas semanas Manuel Piñeiro, "Barbarroja", genio y figura hasta la sepultura como dice la frase, hizo llegar a Santiago de Cuba un camión con armas asociadas al ataque a Palacio por el Directorio Revolucionario, que de alguna forma habían ido a parar a sus manos. Frank País, responsable nacional de acción de nuestro Movimiento 26 de Julio, remitió una parte importante de ese cargamento a la difícil zona de la Sierra Maestra, donde nuestro naciente Ejército Rebelde brotaba de sus cenizas.

Tsunami electoral
Gilberto López y Rivas
Inexorablemente, como los fenómenos catastróficos que se ciernen contra las poblaciones inermes, se desataron ya en México las campañas electorales de 2012. Aunque los bien pagados meteorólogos del Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) habían ya alertado a los ciudadanos sobre la inminencia del tsunami una vez terminada la "veda" (sic), la calamidad nos ha caído encima a través de los medios masivos de comunicación, incluida la prensa escrita, espectaculares, intrusivas llamadas telefónicas, pintas, pendones, volantes, declaraciones, entrevistas, giras de candidatos, mensajes históricos, sesudos analistas políticos, correos de Internet y un largo etcétera; es de tal magnitud la afrenta a la inteligencia, el sentido común y el saber político de hombres y mujeres medianamente conscientes, que las predicciones mayas sobre el fin del mundo se han quedado cortas.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012


Syria: America versus Israel
By Giorgio Cafiero

The "Arab Spring" reached Syria in March 2011 when Syrian intellectuals, students, and union leaders appeared on the streets to demand greater transparency, political liberalization, and economic reforms. Although they did not participate in the initial series of demonstrations, Syrian Islamists joined the opposition after the regime responded with force to the public display of dissent.

As the violence has escalated and taken more than 9,000 lives, foreign powers have exploited the carnage to advance their geopolitical interests.

This Republican Economy

What should be done about the economy? Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years. Never mind the Democrat in the White House; for all practical purposes, this is already the economic policy of Republican dreams.

So the Republican electoral strategy is, in effect, a gigantic con game: it depends on convincing voters that the bad economy is the result of big-spending policies that President Obama hasn’t followed (in large part because the G.O.P. wouldn’t let him), and that our woes can be cured by pursuing more of the same policies that have already failed.

Refundación del país, antes que reformas, dice AMLO a intelectuales
José Gil Olmos
6 de junio de 2012 · Sin comentarios
Elecciones2012 AMLO
MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- Frente a un grupo de intelectuales y escritores, Andrés Manuel López Obrador convocó a un nuevo pacto social para la refundación del país. Advirtió que un fraude el 1 de julio significaría una “traición” a la sociedad que desde el 2000 le apostó a la transición democrática.

En una reunión a la que asistieron Jorge G. Castañeda, Ángeles Mastretta, Cecilia Soto, María Elena Morera, Héctor Aguilar Camín, Sergio Aguayo, el exsecretario de Gobernación, Fernando Gómez Mont, el exrector de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, entre otros, el aspirante presidencial de las izquierdas dijo que optaba por el cambio pacífico y democrático, en respuesta de si respetará los resultados y a las instituciones electorales.

France bans bee-killing pesticide but it's still rife here

Charlie Cooper
Thursday, 7 June 2012

The Government has been accused of failing to act on increasing evidence of the environmental damage done by "nerve-agent" pesticides, after France banned a pesticide product still widely in use by British farmers on their crops.

Cruiser OSR, which contains the neo-nicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam, was banned for use on rapeseed by the French Ministry of Agriculture. Two studies, published earlier this year, have strongly suggested a link between the increased use of neonicotinoid pesticides and global declines in the populations of pollinating insects, including bees, which play a vital role in agriculture and international food security.

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is investigating the evidence in the separate studies – one by British scientists from the University of Stirling and the second by France's National Institute of Agronomic Research.

Entrevista con Joe Karaganis, experto en propiedad intelectual y piratería
Propiedad intelectual y piratería desde la academia

Geraldine Juárez

Joe Karaganis es el director del proyecto de medios y democracia The American Assembly,un grupo de investigación del Social Science Research Council responsable del estudio Piratería de medios en las economías emergentes — un estudio que en solo dos años se ha convertido en el punto de referencia para comprender la tensión entre la legislación de propiedad intelectual y las normas sociales desde la perspectiva del acceso a los medios, las fronteras entre lo lícito y lo ilícito y la necesidad de generar evidencia sólida para la creación de políticas de propiedad intelectual que consideren las realidades sociales y tecnológicas.

Hoy en día, la movilización en contra de las legislaciones extremas de propiedad intelectual incluye a todos los sectores de la sociedad, desde ciudadanos, creadores, artistas, programadores académicos, abogados, economistas, ONGs, y en un número menor, pero hasta a algunos legisladores se oponen — en mayor o menor medida — a la idea de protección intelectual indiscriminada y sobre todo, sin evidencia que la respalde.

El candidato presidencial del Movimiento Progresista arrasó en simulacros electorales realizados en la Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco y en la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla / En Tabasco, Arturo Núñez, quien contiende por la izquierda a la gubernatura, también obtuvo una amplia victoria

VILLAHERMOSA, Tabasco, 5 de junio (APRO).- Los candidatos presidencial y a la gubernatura estatal de la coalición “Movimiento Progresista”, Andrés Manuel López Obrador y Arturo Núñez Jiménez, respectivamente, arrasaron en un simulacro electoral organizado por la Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT).
López Obrador obtuvo 75.5% (587) de los votos, contra 17.6% (132) del priista Enrique Peña Nieto; 3.3% (26) de la panista Josefina Vázquez Mota, y 3.4% (27) del candidato de Nueva Alianza, Gabriel Quadri.

Tres años de luto y lucha
Con diversos actos fueron recordados los 49 niños que murieron en el incendio de la guardería ABC de Hermosillo, Sonora / El obispo Raúl Vera indicó que es posible que haya justicia pero siempre y cuando todos la impulsen y demandó que se sancione a los responsables de la tragedia / Por las calles de la capital sonorense, marcharon miles de personas exigiendo justicia y fin a la impunidad

MÉXICO, D.F., 5 de junio (APRO/EL UNIVERSAL/PERIODICOS).- Al cumplirse tres años del incendio en la guardería ABC de Hermosillo, Sonora, donde perdieron la vida 49 bebés, los deudos de las víctimas realizaron diversos actos para recordar a sus muertos y renovaron su reclamo de justicia.
En medio del vacío del gobierno de Sonora, en el Congreso local y en algunas escuelas se izó la bandera a media asta en memoria de los niños que murieron en la estancia infantil que era administrada en aquel entonces por Marcia Gómez del Campo, prima política de Margarita Zavala, esposa del presidente Felipe Calderón, quien fue absuelta del proceso penal iniciado en su contra el pasado 11 de enero.

Anuncia Anonymous servicio musical gratuito
Guadalupe Raquel Toledo
19 de abril de 2012 · Sin comentarios
MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- Anonymous anunció que aprovechará todos los medios como YouTube, MySpace, Yahoo y blogs donde cualquier canción esté disponible ya sea de forma legal o ilegal, a fin de crear un servicio de música que obtenga canciones de servicios de streaming de Internet, y evitar que la industria lo cierre.

El proyecto arranco en febrero del 2012, el código y la investigación estarán abiertos para que otros puedan contribuir o utilizarlo, aunque aún no definen bajo que licencia.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012


El FBI está preocupado porque la llegada de IPv6 complicará su vigilancia de la red

Cony Sturm

El caso de Hula demuestra el retraso de la inteligencia occidental en Siria

por Thierry Meyssan

Como los occidentales nunca se equivocan es poco probable que se decidan a reconocer haberse equivocado en el caso de la masacre de Hula. Lo importante no es, sin embargo, si piensan rectificar o no la falsa imagen de Siria que transmite la propaganda occidental. Lo importante es en realidad la evolución de la correlación de fuerzas entre la OTAN y la OCS (Organización de Cooperación de Shangai). El caso de Hula demuestra, sin embargo, que los occidentales no logran saber lo que está pasando en el terreno, mientras que la inteligencia rusa está perfectamente al tanto de todo.

Las bombas inteligentes de Wall Street

por Manlio Dinucci
Red Voltaire | Roma (Italia) | 4 de junio de 2012
Hay varios tipos de smart boms, «bombas inteligentes», a las que recurre eso que Les Leopold ha definido eficazmente como el «gobierno secreto de Wall Street», la poderosa oligarquía financiera que controla el Estado [1].

Las primeras son las de la propaganda, que atacan el cerebro, nublan los ojos y hacen ver cosas que no existen. Hoy se utilizan en masa para falsear la realidad de la crisis, para convencernos de que es la deuda pública lo que provoca la crisis y hacernos creer que, para salvarnos, tenemos que hacer duros sacrificios aceptando recortes en los gastos sociales.

Este 6 de junio comienza a funcionar oficialmente a nivel mundial IPv6, el nuevo protocolo de comunicaciones de internet, que asignará nuevas direcciones IP. Desde 1981 se venía utilizando IPv4, que permite un total de 2^32 direcciones, que ya están prácticamente agotadas, lo que hace necesaria la implementación del nuevo sistema que permite 2^128 direcciones, que deberían alcanzarnos para los años futuros y para que se conecten a internet las lavadoras, autos, microondas, smartphones, etc.

Yarrington y Osiel Cárdenas – Por Lydia Cacho
La cáscara de la historia

Plan b*
Yarrington y Osiel Cárdenas

Por Lydia Cacho

Los gobernadores priistas fueron quienes abrieron las puertas al narco, y poco a poco fueron aceptando dinero de la delincuencia organizada, de narcos y tratantes de personas, para sus campañas; sucedió con tal consistencia hasta que se fusionaron los pactos y se invisibilizó la diferencia entre ambos, permitiendo la infiltración en partidos y en los tres poderes de gobierno.

Por eso no podemos olvidar que las acusaciones contra Yarrington son parte de las confesiones que hizo Osiel Cárdenas Guillén en 2007.

Early start to predicted near-normal hurricane season according to NOAA Forecasters: Two models improve forecasters’ ability to predict storm track and intensity.
Miami : FL : USA | Jun 02, 2012 at 7:06 PM PDT
By StephenPope
(Miami, Fl) Despite forecasters predicting a “near-normal” 2012 hurricane season, it is already off to an early start even before the June 1 official start date.

Two tropical cyclones have already formed in the Atlantic prior to June 1, the first, Tropical Storm Alberto formed off the coast of South Carolina on May 19 and remained off the east coast of the United States until it weakened and was no longer considered a tropical cyclone by the National Hurricane Center on May 22.

Friday, June 1, 2012

3 early storms rare; El Niño could spell fewer hurricanes

Even though today is the official start of the hurricane season, tropical tempests usually don’t start forming until later in the summer.

This, however, has not been an average season, and two preseason storms have already been named.

Tropical Storm Alberto formed about two weeks ago, and Tropical Storm Beryl hit northeast Florida last week before heading into the North Atlantic Wednesday by way of the North Carolina coast.


Siembra preocupante

Confusión y errores

La ciudadana Radetich

¡¿"Aumenta" el voto rural?!
Julio Hernández López

Recuerdan en Hong Kong la represión en Tiananmen
Dpa y Afp

Periódico La Jornada
Martes 5 de junio de 2012, p. 30

Hong Kong, 4 de junio. Más de 180 mil personas se reunieron hoy en una vigilia con velas en Hong Kong en recuerdo del 22 aniversario de la represión del gobierno chino a las protestas en la plaza Tiananmen, en Pekín, el 4 de junio de 1989, que dejó varios muertos.

De confirmarse la cifra, sería la mayor concentración anual en una vigilia por ese motivo en la ex colonia británica. La policía, sin embargo, habló de 85 mil manifestantes.

El organismo "muere al servicio del imperio o renace para servir a América": Evo Morales
Reformas en la OEA y la CIDH, clamor en la Asamblea General

EU apoya los cambios pero no aceptará imposiciones de ningún gobierno: Roberta Jacobson
Afp, Xinhua y Reuters

Periódico La Jornada
Martes 5 de junio de 2012, p. 27

Tiquipaya, Bolivia., 4 de junio. Una fuerte corriente por cambios en la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y en la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), a la cual se unió con reparos Estados Unidos, comenzó a tomar forma en el inicio de las sesiones del organismo hemisférico en este poblado boliviano.

Un bloque de naciones de la Alianza Bolivariana para los pueblos de nuestra América (Alba), encabezado por Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela, lanzó una ofensiva a fondo para propiciar esos cambios ante la "falta de eficacia y representatividad" de la OEA, de acuerdo con el presidente ecuatoriano, Rafael Correa.

Mientras la gente del campo sufre las inclemencias de la sequía, inundaciones y heladas, Felipe Calderón veta fondos, por valor de 15 mil millones de pesos, ya autorizados por la Cámara de Diputados, para atender esas contingencias/ Argumentan detalles de trámites burocráticos/ Diputados estudian demandar a FECAL, ante instancias internacionales, pues este es el segundo veto a esos recursos

MÉXICO, D.F., junio 4 (EL UNIVERSAL).- El gobierno federal vetó por segunda ocasión un decreto emitido por la Cámara de Diputados para aplicar 15 mil millones de pesos a un plan de emergencia que atendiera las contingencias derivadas de las sequías, heladas e inundaciones que dañaron el campo en 26 entidades del país.

Veta el gobierno decreto de sequía

Economist Intelligence Unit

Crisis europea
Pánico en España
Periódico La Jornada
Martes 5 de junio de 2012, p. 26

El 25 de mayo, el gobierno español anunció una inyección de 19 mil millones de euros más en Bankia, con lo cual el segundo banco del país por monto de depósitos fue de hecho nacionalizado. Para el día 28, los réditos de la deuda del gobierno se habían disparado a su nivel más alto en el año, como reflejo de los temores del mercado de que habría nuevos rescates en puerta. Y en especial, de que el plan del gobierno de financiar el rescate mediante un intercambio de deuda sugería que no era capaz de obtener en los mercados ni siquiera esa pequeña cantidad de dinero (equivalente a menos del 2% del PIB).

Por un proyecto alternativo de nación en materia de cultura
Judith Amador Tello
5 de junio de 2012 · Sin comentarios
Cultura en la mira
MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- Inspirados en el libro Los grandes problemas nacionales, que el escritor Andrés Molina Enríquez (1868-1940) publicó por primera vez en 1909 con un diagnóstico del país, el Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena), organizó entre marzo y mayo pasados los Diálogos por la Regeneración de México, con el mismo título del volumen del abogado y sociólogo positivista.

Paul Krugman shills for Obama and capitalism
By Patrick Martin
5 June 2012

In a essay headlined “The Republican Economy,” liberal economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has weighed in with a full-throated apology for the Obama administration, blaming its right-wing economic policies on the congressional Republicans, and turning a blind eye to the pro-Wall Street stance that Obama adopted from the moment he entered the White House—and even before.

According to Krugman, Obama has been prevented from pursuing Keynesian inflationary policies, based on increasing government spending to offset the economic slump, mainly because the Republicans wouldn’t let him. He claims, “much though not all of the responsibility for the policy wrong turn lies with a completely obstructionist Republican majority in the House.

A new stage in the global crisis
4 June 2012

Friday’s disastrous US jobs report, which showed the worst payrolls growth in a year, capped a week of dismal economic news from every part of the world.

These developments reveal that claims of an economic recovery are not only premature but utterly fictitious. Despite all claims to the contrary, the crisis again and again proves to be intractable.

No part of the world is immune from the downturn. Hopes that economic weakness in Europe and the US would be offset by growth in the developing world were dashed by the latest statistics. India’s first quarter growth rate hit 5.3 percent, the lowest level in 9 years, down from 9.2 percent a year ago. Brazil’s economy grew only .2 percent, and China’s purchasing managers’ index fell sharply.

Monday, June 04, 2012


Entrevista a Jorge Altamira
"El proceso europeo desmiente a todos los que decían ‘crisis hay siempre pero al final gana la derecha’"

Mario Hernández

Mario Hernandez (MH): Jorge Altamira nació en Buenos Aires en 1942. En 1964, funda la organización Política Obrera. Se traslada a Brasil en 1978 y retorna en 1982. Participa activamente de la legalización de su organización, con el nombre de Partido Obrero. En 1989, como candidato a presidente de la Nación, populariza la frase: “no paguemos la deuda usuraria, que el Citibank vaya a laburar”. En el año 2000 fue electo Legislador de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, cargo que desempeñó hasta el año 2003. En su mandato, impulsó iniciativas legislativas, entre ellas, la que estableció la jornada de seis horas para los trabajadores del subte, vetada por Ibarra y finalmente impuesta por los obreros de Metrovías a través de una huelga. También impulsó proyectos de expropiación de varias fábricas recuperadas, como Brukman y Grissinópoli; leyes de urbanización de las villas de la Ciudad; una ley de “salida al derrumbe sanitario” y un proyecto de ley de salario mínimo igual al costo de la canasta familiar. Fue artífice de la aprobación de la entrega gratuita de la vacuna contra la hepatitis A a los menores de 12 años.

Con la consigna “fuera De la Rua-Cavallo”, Altamira participa activamente del proceso político que culmina en la rebelión popular de diciembre de 2001. Dirige el semanario “Prensa Obrera” y la revista “En Defensa del Marxismo”. Es autor de varios libros, entre ellos, El Argentinazo. El presente como historia (2002). Su último libro es El Ascenso de la Izquierda. En el marco de la bancarrota capitalista.

Seguramente me olvidé de varias cosas.

Jorge Altamira (JA): Lo que me impresiona no es lo que te has olvidado sino lo que has recordado. No recodaba alguna de las leyes que mencionaste. La que más me impactó fue la de la vacuna contra la hepatitis A. Fue una batalla que duró 7 horas contra los 2 bloques mayoritarios. La gente tiene la imagen de un dirigente del Partido Obrero (PO) solo pensando en las grandes luchas y no en una vacuna. Yo reivindico la pelea por lo llamado pequeño pero que para el pueblo es vital. A partir de la aplicación generalizada de esta vacuna a los menores de 12 años no hay hepatitis en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. La batalla por su promulgación fue importante porque todos los legisladores estaban de acuerdo, nunca hubiera llegado al recinto si en la comisiones, peronistas, radicales y en aquella época la Alianza, no hubieran estado a favor. Otra cosa, el proyecto no era mío. De modo que descontaba que salía por unanimidad, cuando percibo el poco entusiasmo que ponía el miembro informante que era el autor del proyecto y el aún menor entusiasmo del bloque de la Alianza. Ahí pensé que había algo raro. Cuando comienzan los primeros discursos me di cuenta que alguien había arreglado algo para que no se apruebe, pero como ya lo había sido en las comisiones, la salida era que volviera a las mismas. Me acuerdo que hervía por dentro, tenía mucha bronca esa tarde-noche ya que el debate terminó a la madrugada. Fue feroz, pero sentí que no salía de la Legislatura sin la ley. Me lo tomé como algo absolutamente personal y pensándolo bien fue porque tenía que ver con los chicos. Siempre fue un tema caro para mí todo lo que tiene que ver con la niñez. Lo peleé a muerte, mientras Ibarra monitoreaba desde la Jefatura de Gobierno haciendo lo posible para que no fuera aprobada. Me acusaron de ser agente de los monopolios farmacéuticos porque yo les garantizaba el mercado para la vacuna y una dosis costaba U$S 50. Era una fortuna. Entonces les propuse que bajaran el precio, que llamaran a la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) que tenía otros costos y obligaran al laboratorio a cobrar menos. La culpa de que cobraran U$S 50 no era mía sino de ellos que gobernaban.

Para que vean lo corrupta que es la política en Argentina. Gané por unanimidad pero en realidad perdí porque Ibarra les dijo a sus legisladores como no pueden con él, únanse. Entonces la aprobaron por unanimidad, esto es para los que piensan que si un partido tiene un solo diputado no puede hacer nada. Esta es la demostración contraria. ¿Por qué Ibarra finalmente dio su consentimiento para que los bloques la aprobaran? Porque no pensaba reglamentarla y así no entraría en vigencia en la práctica. Efectivamente no lo hizo por muchísimo tiempo, la dejó morir. Te das cuenta que la división de poderes en Argentina es para joder al pueblo. El Parlamento te aprueba una ley y el Ejecutivo no te la reglamenta. También usan el veto. Cristina Kirchner lo hizo con la Ley de glaciares que también fue aprobada por unanimidad.

La lucha mundial de clases
La geografía de la protesta

Immanuel Wallerstein
La Jornada

Cuando son buenos los tiempos, y la economía-mundo se expande en términos de nueva plusvalía producida, la lucha de clases se acalla. Nunca desaparece, pero en tanto exista un bajo nivel de desempleo y los ingresos reales de los estratos más bajos suban, aunque sólo sea en pequeñas cantidades, los arreglos sociales son la orden del día.

Pero cuando se estanca la economía-mundo y el desempleo real se expande considerablemente, esto significa que el pastel total se encoge. La cuestión entonces resulta ser quién cargará el peso del encogimiento –dentro de cada país y entre países. La lucha de clases se torna aguda y tarde o temprano conduce a un conflicto abierto en las calles. Esto es lo que ha estado ocurriendo en el sistema-mundo desde la década de 1970 y del modo más dramático desde 2007. Hasta ahora, el estrato más alto (el uno por ciento) se ha aferrado a su tajada, de hecho la ha incrementado. Esto necesariamente significa que la tajada del 99 por ciento se ha encogido.

06/04/2012 03:42 PM
The World from Berlin
'The Egyptian Revolution Is At Risk'

Thousands of Egyptians protested the verdict against ousted leader Hosni Mubarak and senior security officials over the weekend, amid growing fears that the revolution is at risk. German editorialists say on Monday that protestors are justified in their anger and must continue fighting for democracy.

In the first trial of a leader ousted during the Arab Spring uprisings, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his Interior Minister Habib el-Adly were both sentenced to life in prison on Saturday. But senior security officials were acquitted on lack of evidence and Mubarak's sons were found innocent of corruption charges, fueling the anger of thousands of protesters who took to the streets across Egypt on Sunday.

Critics argued that Mubarak, 84, deserved a death sentence following the killing of some 850 protesters during Egypt's uprising. The release of his security officials meanwhile was interpreted as a gradual reversal of protesters' hard-won freedoms.
Sexo (virtual), mentiras y guerra: el caso Scott Ritter (I DE II)
De inspector a activista

When Defending Earth Cost 25 Cents
Published: June 3, 2012
LACONIA, N.H. — You insert a token. With a joystick and a button you blast away at robots, spaceships and meteors advancing from all sides. Eventually your last man dies. Game over.
Expletives are uttered. The next player has seen all your moves. For good measure Pat Benatar taunts, “Hit me with your best shot.”

Astronomers around the UK prepare to see a rare celestial display – the transit of Venus

Stargazers will hope the clouds part tomorrow at 5am to allow them to see the planet cross the Sun

Rob Hastings
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

While most Britons will be dragging their weary bodies back into work tomorrow morning, Mandy Bailey will be excitedly rising from her bed hours before dawn like a child at Christmas to haul a telescope up a hill.

Germany baulks at Spain's plan for for bailout of banks

Angela Merkel at odds with Mariano Rajoy as Madrid looks to secure lifeline for its lenders

Tony Paterson, Alasdair Fotheringham
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The travails of the Spanish banking system have opened up a rift at the heart of Europe, with growing resistance in Berlin to Madrid's attempts to secure a lifeline for its beleaguered lenders.

The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is believed to be arguing for a direct rescue for the country's troubled banks without appealing for a national bailout. The latter would burden Spain with the kind of strict budgetary conditions that have provoked a popular backlash in Greece.

Spanish media yesterday reported that the country's Economy Minister Luis De Guindos was engaged in intense negotiations with his German counterpart, Wolfgang Schäuble, about the viability of a fast-track intervention system that would allow Spain to avoid a bailout.

Christine Lagarde’s fairytale world
Manuel Barcia

    By Manuel Barcia
    Notebook - A selection of Independent views -
    Monday, 4 June 2012 at 11:13 am

A few days ago the Head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, had the audacity to suggest that instead of resisting the neo-liberal austerity measures prescribed by her organization, in agreement with the EU and the European Central Bank, Greek citizens should focus on paying their taxes. Lagarde did not stop there. She later went on to add that she had more sympathy for ‘little kids from a school in a little village in Niger who get teaching two hours a day, sharing one chair for three of them, and who are very keen to get an education’ than for the tax-avoiding Greeks.

Now, it takes some nerve for someone like Lagarde to make such an outlandish statement. In my eyes, there is so much wrong about her view of the world and suggestions to improve it, that perhaps in a short piece like this one can only begin to unravel the mysterious and deluded inner world where I feel the Head of the IMF lives.

How a Bunch of Corporate-Backed Buffoons Took Over U.S. Climate Policy
By Bill McKibben,
Posted on June 3, 2012, Printed on June 4, 2012

To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from here. 

It’s been a tough few weeks for the forces of climate-change denial.

First came the giant billboard with Unabomber Ted Kacynzki’s face plastered across it: “I Still Believe in Global Warming. Do You?” Sponsored by the Heartland Institute, the nerve-center of climate-change denial, it was supposed to draw attention to the fact that “the most prominent advocates of global warming aren’t scientists. They are murderers, tyrants, and madmen.” Instead it drew attention to the fact that these guys had over-reached, and with predictable consequences.

With the Filmmakers of 'Default'
By Emily Wilson, AlterNet
Posted on May 30, 2012, Printed on June 4, 2012

If you want to experience the real impact of student loan debt on human lives, look no further than Default: The Student Loan Documentary. Though this powerful 27-minute documentary includes interviews with experts like Anya Kamenetz, author of Generation Debt, and Alan Collinge, the founder of, the bulk of this story is told by everyday borrowers, some of them turned activists in an effort to change the dysfunctional student lending system that now holds them captive.

And captive they are. Unlike other types of debt (like gambling debts, for instance), student loan debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, leaving many former students chained for life to loans they have little hope of paying off. Default offers a rare inside look at these emotional stories, detailing how loans can balloon into multiples of what students originally borrow to go to college and the troubling impact of that debt over time. One man in the film chokes up as he shares his decision not to ask his girlfriend to marry him because he doesn’t want her to have to share the burden of his debt. Another interviewee bursts into tears when she explains why she works with the United States Students Association: so that others won’t have to suffer as she did after leaving school with health problems, tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

12-Year-Old Girl Explains What Most Economists Can't About Money and Debt
By Ellen Brown, AlterNet
Posted on June 3, 2012, Printed on June 4, 2012

The youtube video of 12 year old Victoria Grant speaking at the Public Banking in America conference last month has gone viral, topping a million views on various websites.

Monetary reform—the contention that governments, not banks, should create and lend a nation’s money—has rarely even made the news, so this is a first.  Either the times they are a-changin’, or Victoria managed to frame the message in a way that was so simple and clear that even a child could understand it.

The Transparently Secretive Chamber of Commerce
Monday, 04 June 2012 14:06 By Robert Weissman, Public Citizen | Op-Ed
Well, the Big Business guys are transparent about one thing: They can't stand the idea of the public holding them to account for their attempts to buy elections and influence policy, or even that they be prevented from corrupting the government contracting process through campaign spending.

The latest: They are so terrified even of having their political spending disclosed that they are pushing in Congress legislation that would prohibit the government from requiring contractors to disclose their campaign-related spending.

Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, is carrying their water, with the Orwellian "Keeping Politics Out of Federal Contracting Act," a bill that recently passed the Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs and may well become law unless citizens move quickly to help stop this abomination.

The Collins initiative is in response to an excellent initiative floated by the Obama administration, but which the White House failed to implement. The simple idea was to require government contractors to disclose their campaign-related spending, including the kind of secret corporate campaign expenditures enabled by the Citizens United decision.

Noam Chomsky | Somebody Else's Atrocities
Sunday, 03 June 2012 08:12 By Noam Chomsky, Truthout | News Analysis
In his penetrating study "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-Opted Human Rights," international affairs scholar James Peck observes, "In the history of human rights, the worst atrocities are always committed by somebody else, never us" – whoever "us" is.

Almost any moment in history yields innumerable illustrations. Let's keep to the past few weeks.

On May 10, the Summer Olympics were inaugurated at the Greek birthplace of the ancient games. A few days before, virtually unnoticed, the government of Vietnam addressed a letter to the International Olympic Committee expressing the "profound concerns of the Government and people of Viet Nam about the decision of IOC to accept the Dow Chemical Company as a global partner sponsoring the Olympic Movement."

Dow provided the chemicals that Washington used from 1961 onward to destroy crops and forests in South Vietnam, drenching the country with Agent Orange.

Protests Erupt in Egypt After Mixed Verdicts for Mubarak, Aides

Protests have erupted across Egypt following the sentencing of ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and other former regime officials. On Saturday, an Egyptian court gave Mubarak and his former interior minister, Habib el-Adly, life in prison for failing to stop the killing of unarmed demonstrators during the protests that ended Mubarak’s nearly 30-year rule. However, the court dismissed corruption charges against Mubarak and his sons, Alaa and Gamal, on technical grounds. The court also acquitted six former police chiefs for their roles during the uprising when 840 protesters were killed and more than 6,000 injured. No one was found guilty of actually ordering the killing of protesters. The verdicts sparked demonstrations across the country, with tens of thousands rallying in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and in other cities.
U.S. Drone Strikes Kill 27 in Pakistan

At least 27 people have been killed in three consecutive days of U.S. drone strikes inside Pakistan. More than half of the victims — 15 people — were killed earlier today when U.S. missiles hit a village in North Waziristan. The attacks bring to at least seven the number of U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan over the past two weeks. U.S. and Pakistani officials say militants were targeted, but it is unclear if any civilians were killed.
At Least 163 Dead in Nigerian Plane Crash

A plane crash in the Nigerian city of Lagos has killed all 153 people on board, as well as at least 10 people on the ground. The plane crashed into a building in a densely populated neighborhood and exploded into flames. The death toll is expected to rise as more bodies are found in the wreckage.
U.S. Hirings Lag as Official Unemployment Hits 8.2%

The ailing U.S. economy received more grim news on Friday with the release of figures showing just 69,000 jobs were added during May – the fewest total in a year. The official unemployment rate also increased to 8.2 percent, up from 8.1 percent in April. Speaking in Minnesota, President Obama called on Republican lawmakers to approve funding for public sector jobs.

    President Obama: "The American people expect their leaders to work hard no matter what year it is. The economy still isn’t where it needs to be. There are steps that could make a difference right now, steps that can also serve as a buffer in case the situation in Europe gets any worse. So right now, Congress should pass a bill to help states prevent more layoffs, so we can put thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers back on the job."

Wisconsin Gears for Recall Vote Amid Record Spending

Wisconsin voters are preparing to head to the polls for Tuesday’s historic recall election targeting Republican Gov. Scott Walker. Two new polls show Walker with a slim lead of between 3 to 6 percent over his Democratic challenger, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. The recall effort was launched over Walker’s campaign to strip public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights and reduce their benefits. The election is turning out to be the most expensive in Wisconsin’s history, with more than $63 million spent. Walker has raised more than 65 percent of his $30.5 million war chest from out-of-state donors.
Florida Election Supervisors Suspend Voter Purge

All 67 of Florida’s election supervisors have suspended a controversial effort to remove thousands of registered voters from the rolls. Florida launched the effort last month using an outdated driver’s license database to ostensibly identify non-citizens registered to vote. But large numbers of U.S. citizens have been caught up in the purge, primarily Latino, Democratic and independent-minded voters. On Thursday, the Department of Justice stepped in to demand Florida cease its voter purge, saying the process had not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act. Although Florida Gov. Rick Scott failed to respond, the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections announced on Friday it would halt the effort in response to the Justice Department’s orders.
Denying Responsibility, Assad Calls Houla Massacre "Abominable"

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has rejected responsibility for the recent massacre of 108 people in Houla and blamed outside forces for the ongoing violence inside his country. In a lengthy address to Syrian lawmakers on Sunday, Assad called the Houla killings "abominable" and said not even monsters could have carried them out. Assad also cast the crisis in Syria as a foreign conspiracy, calling it "an external war carried out by internal elements." Assad’s comments come as international envoy Kofi Annan continues to warn of an all-out civil war in Syria amid renewed calls for the implementation of his ceasefire plan. Speaking at a news conference in Stockholm, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States wants Russia to stop backing the Assad regime.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "We all have to intensify our efforts to achieve a political transition, and Russia has to be at the table helping that to occur. The Syrian people want and deserve change, and that should, insofar as possible, come about through peaceful means, and it must be a change that represents the rights and dignity of all Syrians. Assad’s departure does not have to be a precondition, but it should be an outcome, so that the people of Syria have a chance to express themselves."

U.N. Human Rights Council Condemns Syria for Houla Massacre, Orders Probe

On Friday, the U.N. Human Rights Council voted overwhelmingly to condemn the Syrian government for the Houla massacre and ordered an international probe. Russia voted along with China and Cuba in opposition.
BBC Mistakenly Runs 2003 Iraq War Photo with Houla Story

In other Syria news, the BBC has apologized after mistakenly running a nine-year-old photograph of body bags in Iraq next to a story on the recent massacre of more than 100 people in the Syrian village of Houla. The photographer of the original picture criticized the BBC for publishing the photograph without properly checking its veracity.
18 Killed in Baghdad Car Bombing

At least 18 people have been killed in a car bombing in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The attack targeted a key office for Iraq’s Shiite Muslims. More than 50 people were wounded.
Pentagon to Shift Naval Fleet to Asia

The Pentagon has announced a new phase in its increased militarization of the Asia-Pacific region. On Saturday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the United States will shift the bulk of its naval fleet to the Pacific by 2020. Panetta says the fleet will include "Six aircraft carriers, a majority of [U.S.] cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships, and submarines ... to project power and operate in the Asia-Pacific." Speaking at a summit in Singapore, Panetta rejected speculation the move is an effort to intimidate China.

    Leon Panetta: "Many in the region and across the world are closely watching the United States-China relationship. Some view the increased emphasis by the United States in the Asia-Pacific region as some kind of challenge to China. I reject that view entirely. Our effort to renew and intensify our involvement in Asia is fully compatible, fully compatible, with the development and growth of China."

Zimmerman Returns to Jail After Bond Revoked

George Zimmerman, the shooter of the unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, has returned to a Florida jail after the judge overseeing his trial revoked bail. Zimmerman was ordered back behind bars on Friday when Judge Kenneth Lester ruled Zimmerman had misled the court on the state of his finances and of his passport. Zimmerman surrendered to police on Sunday. Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Trayvon Martin’s family, said the ruling added new damage to Zimmerman’s credibility.

    Benjamin Crump: "Remember, it is only George Zimmerman’s testimony that says Trayvon Martin attacked him. All the other objective evidence suggests that George Zimmerman pursued and confronted Trayvon Martin. Therefore, that’s why this is such an important ruling today. The credibility is the issue, and we think it is the most important ruling so far in this entire case."

Warren Wins Democratic Primary in Massachusetts

Harvard University law professor and consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren has wrapped up the Democratic nomination in Massachusetts to challenge Republican Sen. Scott Brown. Warren defeated a primary challenger on Saturday by an overwhelming margin for the chance to face off against Brown this November. Warren most recently served in the Obama administration, where she helped launch the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
New Mexico Struggles to Contain Wildfire

Firefighters in New Mexico say they are beginning to make progress in a record-breaking wildfire that is nearly three weeks old. The Whitewater-Baldy Complex fire has now burned more than 241,000 acres in the Gila National Forest. Officials say the fire is now 17 percent contained with gains reported by the hour.
18 Killed in Drug-Related Violence in Mexico

New drug-related violence in Mexico claimed the lives of at least 18 people over the weekend. At least seven people were killed in the beach town of Acapulco on Saturday, followed by another 11 deaths in a shooting at a drug rehabilitation center in the northwestern city of Torreón on Sunday.
Quebec Protests Continue as Talks Collapse

Massive protests continued in Quebec over the weekend following the breakdown of talks between government officials and student leaders. The two sides remain at an impasse over a proposed tuition increase that has prompted a major student strike. After the latest round of negotiations collapsed, student leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois said the student strike has grown into a movement for social change.

    Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois: "The objective was to send a message to Mr. Charest that at this moment it’s not only a student strike, it’s also a popular struggle. We see a lot of people going in the streets every night in Montreal, and now all over Quebec."

As the strike grows, organizers of the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal have canceled the auto event’s opening day, citing "security" concerns.

"Inside Job" Director Charles Ferguson: Where Are the Criminal Prosecutions for Financial Crisis?