Sunday, May 31, 2009


27 Views of Europe

In the run-up to elections for the European Parliament in June, reporters at SPIEGEL ONLINE in Germany, NRC Handelsblad in the Netherlands and Politiken in Denmark have joined forces to profile attitudes about the election and the EU in each of the 27 member states. Several new interviews will be published each day between now and the end of May.

View 27 Views of Europe in a larger map

List of published interviews:

Austria - Mercedes Echerer, actress, radio and TV presenter and former MEP for the Green Party: 'The EU Is a Foreign Country'

Belgium - Dirk Verhofstadt, a leading member of the liberal Belgium think tank Liberales and the brother of the former prime minister: 'Europe Risks Becoming a Footnote in History'

Bulgaria - Teodora Dimova, playwright and journalist: 'EU Problems Seem Distant to Bulgaria'

Denmark - Hans Martens, director of the European Policy Centre think tank in Brussels: Denmark still pondering 'Yes' or 'No' to EU

Estonia - Kristiina Ojuland, former foreign minister: 'Russia Should not Get Special Treatment'

France - Christophe Barbier, the editor in chief of the French weekly l'Express: 'The Feeling Is that Europe Has Saved France from the Crisis'

Ireland - Pat Cox, former president of the European Parliament: 'A Cold Shower of Economic Reality'

Latvia - Valdis Zatlers, president of the Republic of Latvia: Latvians Have Shelved their Euroskepticism

Lithuania - Indre Makaraityte: Lithuanians Love the EU but Fear Betrayal

Luxembourg - Philippe Poirier, the head of the Research Program on European Governance at the University of Luxembourg: 'We Want to Protect Parts of our Luxembourg Economy'

Netherlands - Jan Rood, head of the European Studies Programme of the Clingendael Institute of International Relations: 'Many Voters Still Feel Angry in the Netherlands'

Romania - Horia-Roman Patapievici, president of the Romanian Cultural Institute: 'Romanians Know Russia Better than You, So Trust Us'

Slovakia - Dusan Caplovic, deputy prime minister for European affairs: 'The Euro Is a Guarantee of Stability'

Slovenia - Drago Jancar, Slovenian writer, dramatist and intellectual: 'We Distrust Slovenian Politicians even more than We do Brussels'

Spain - Diego Hidalgo, president of the Foundation for International Relations and Exterior Dialogue: 'Spaniards Are Still very Much in Favor of Europe'

Sweden - Cecilia Malmström, Swedish minister for European Affairs: 'Support for the EU Is Growing in Sweden'

United Kingdom - Timothy Garton Ash: 'There Is a Tremendous Sense of a Missed Opportunity in the UK'

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